'A devo fa’ vergognà
Scene in a bus, 2017
Projection | Occurs when speech is addressed to an absent interlocutor. Lacking any response, the speaker builds their speech around a projected image of the recipient in more or less intimate, generic, real, or stereotyped ways.
In the same way, voicemail greetings are an occasion for constructing speech that is welcoming to all, whether it be one’s girlfriend, parents, employer, or tax inspector. These greetings are standardized according to how the speaker designs their panel of listeners, and how they choose to create a more or less distant relationship with them.
This reading of a Serge Gainsbourg song shows another way of searching for a certain form of address to all.
In the following excerpt, taken from an amateur radio station’s “making of” segment, we can hear this very process of constructing a standardized form of address in action. More specifically, we can hear speakers constantly move from a present-concrete form of address to a projected-abstract form of address.
The process of projection is particularly interesting when the speaker addresses a given category of people: by imagining idealized members of these categories, the speaker reveals which preconceived ideas they may have about them. This can apply to the idea of a child, a potential buyer of an exceptional instrument, a fan, a possible adversary, a john, a viewer or even a solitary radio listener. This is also the case with manuals or tutorials: the speaker addresses themselves to a panel of home gymnastics or zouk enthusiasts of varying sizes; to listeners wanting to learn a John Lennon song or how to speak English with a Russian accent. One even speaks in a very similar manner to the owner of a plant, or to the plant itself.
Artist Amy Walker's collection of “yeses” each puts a particular relationship with the recipient into play. In the same way, this excerpt from a Sylvie Joly sketch imagines a scene with an annoying interlocutor. The following two excerpts show two very different ways of addressing the category of “the people”: an excerpt from General De Gaulle’s radio appeal of June 22, 1940 and an excerpt from an appearance by the Group of Occasional and Precarious Workers on France 2’s news hour.
We can also hear the very particular way in which this Art Brut artist’s recorded message addresses the “girls and women of the entire world.” With less crooning, one can sometimes hear individuals in the street or in the subway speaking to no one and everyone all at once, to the public in the subway train, to the bastards, to the manipulators that we suspect are among us (see also Mais oui t’as raison. Lastly, prayer is a perfect example of projected speech and, moreover, develops a relationship that is completely fantasized for some but very intimate and real for others.
When projection takes shape around an absent interlocutor that we know well, what is used in the resulting discourse is the memory of the relationship we have, or dream of having, with said person: projection then shows us the essence of this relationship, at least according to how the speaker projects it. Such is the case in this tape from a woman to her mother (see also Tu es mon autre). In a child’s calls to his absent mother, we can hear the residual intimacy of a mother-son relationship.
One advantage of projection’s inherent distance is that it always functions as a vessel for saying things we would not say to a person’s face (see Te mettre à genoux and Dedicated to Molly, or even for nearly confessing our love to someone. In this famous speech marking the transfer of Jean Moulin’s ashes to the Pantheon, André Malraux’s overemphatic solemnity is certainly made possible by projection (it is hard to imagine this type of speech addressed to someone alive and present), though it is likely amplified by the speaker’s responsibility, speaking in his country’s name and thus giving his words a remarkable form of overemphasis (see the entry on Overemphasis).
Film and theater are paradigms for situations in which the absence of a real interlocutor allows a speaker to play a role, as with a young Isabelle Adjani in her first audition, Simone Signoret in The Human Voice, or even Redjep Mitrovitsa performing an excerpt from the Nijinsky Diary (see alsoYou’re talking to me?).
But this process can also be found in non-artistic situations: projection is what allows a speaker to take on an identity that suits them without the risk of being put in their place. Whether it be a crew from the suburbs of Paris speaking to an aspiring rapper, a bank employee leaving a message on a client’s voicemail, a teenager speaking to the viewers of her blog, or an individual castigating the “murder of Palestinians,” each of these examples shows speakers freely imagining and performing their role within a given enunciative situation.
Scene in a bus, 2017
Telephone server for Pôle Emploi, 2010.
Stefano Siviero, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube, 2014.
Commercial for investment opportunities in cyprus real estate development, 2016
Announcement in a TGV train car, 2011.
Excerpt of the hypnosis recording Méta-relaxation : créativité face aux problèmes, 1990s.
Simone Signoret, excerpt of the play La Voix humaine by Jean Cocteau, 1964.
Ramon Pipin, excerpt from a jazz tutorial, video posted on Facebook, 2020.
Delphine Seyrig, excerpt from an audio letter to her son, 1974.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
Excerpt of a jihadist speech posted online, 2014.
The Lady of Diamonds, excerpt from a fortune-telling session, Facebook live, 2021.
Jimmy and Imrul, excerpt of the Radio Ld'A project by Lincoln Tobier, Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, 2002.
Message posted on Youtube, 2019.
Richard Gaitet, excerpt of the show Nova Book Box, 2013.
Message left on an answering machine, 2021.
Excerpt of a piano tutorial for learning the song “Imagine,” YouTube video, 2008.
Excerpt of a citizen's warning, YouTube video, 2011.
Interruption of the 8 o’clock news hour by the Group of Occasional and Precarious Workers, France 2, 2003.
Scene from the subway, recording by Thibault Capéran, 2012.
Voicemail message, 2013.
Consumer video, YouTube, 2019.
What’s App message, personal recording, 2018
Excerpt of a video blog, YouTube, 2007.
Message left on a voicemail by a banker, 2007.
Personal message, excerpt of the art project One Free Minute, Montréal, 2009.
Annie-Claude Chevrier, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2010.
Voicemail message, personal recording, 2016.
Introducing pets, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube. 2016.
Video from the french ministry of the interior, 2016.
Voicemail message, 2015.
André Malraux, excerpt of a speech made to mark the transfer of Jean Moulin’s ashes to the Panthéon, 1964.
Message left on Martin Juvanon de Vachat's voicemail, 2017.
Jean-Marie Massou, excerpt of Message pour les témoins de Jéhovah, 2007.
Voicemail message, 2019
Extract from a report presented by children, Jemidor TV, 2021.
Message posted on YouTube, 2013.
Fabienne Guerrero, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2012.
Madness, excerpt of the recording One Step Beyond, 1979.
Pierre Raymonde, excerpt of Erotic Aerobics by Pierre Raymonde and Bugs Bower, 1982.
YouTube video, 2009.
Excerpt of a jihadist speech posted online, 2014.
Philip Anselmo, excerpt of a message posted on YouTube, 2007.
Excerpt of a demonstration of how to play an instrument, 1970s.
Message sent to a Whatsapp group during the strike against pension reform, 2020.
Message posted on Vice TV, 2020.
Voicemail message, 2008.
Charles de Gaulle, excerpt of the radio appeal of June 22, 1940.
Alexandra Viau, excerpt of Alexandra, une lettre d'amour audio by Alexandra Viau and Cédric Chabuel, Arte Radio, 2003.
Scene from a demonstration in Algiers posted on YouTube, 2019.
Voicemail message, 2016
Philippe Seguin, excerpt from a speech at the first Parlement des enfants, 1994.
Audimaton record, 60s.
Maurice Garrel, excerpt of the recording Serge Gainsbourg—Portraits, 2003.
Calibre Auto Recording, 60s.
Excerpt of a found tape recording.
A Periscope sequence from the Yellow Vests, act VIII, 2019.
Voicemail message, 2011.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon campaign message left on an answering machine, 2019.
Brigitte Fontaine, excerpt of the show Des Croissants dans l'acide, Ouï FM, 2010.
André Manoukian, excerpt from the radio show Les routes de la musique, France Inter, 2016.
Vincent Beckers, excerpt of a tarot card reading, video posted on YouTube, 2012.
Frédéric Bourdon, excerpt from a promotional video, YouTube, 2013.
Lexmark advertisement, 2000s.
Excerpt of a dance class, video posted on YouTube, 1990s.
Video about creating a declaration of love, YouTube, 2013.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
Leon Trotsky, excerpt of a filmed message, unknown date.
Photomaton's instructions, personal recording, 2017.
Molly Roth, excerpt of the record Plant Talk, 1976.
Scene from a waiting room, personal recording by Olivier Normand, 2010.
Doctora Bertha Elena Muñoz Mier, post-mortem message, 2013.
Excerpt from an audio letter, 1996.
Prayer spoken by a child, excerpt of a recording posted on YouTube, 2008.
Abdel Basset-al-Sarout, excerpt of the documentary Return to homs by Talal Derki, 2013.
Voice server of the company Yamato, Japan, 2014.
Excerpt from a domestic performance, video posted on YouTube, 2018.
Excerpt of a psychic TV show, Telergione Toscana, 2014
Excerpt from a stream of Dead Cells par At0miumVOD, vidéo Youtube, 2018.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
Excerpt from a cooking recipe, video posted on Youtube, 2019.
Sylvie Joly, excerpt of the comedy sketch “SOS Amitié,” 1977.
Street scene, extract from a livestream on Periscope, 2018.
Mohamed, excerpt of the show Gym Direct, D8 TV, 2014.
Airport announcement, Nice, 2010.
Excerpt from a post on Francis G’s YouTube channel, 2016.
Johann Schneider Ammann, President of the Helvetic Confederation, excerpt from a video address on the occasion of the Day of the Sick, 2016.
Isabelle Adjani, excerpt of auditions for the film Le Sauveur by Michel Mardore, 1970.
Make-up tutorial, YouTube, 2019
Message posted on YouTube, 2019.
Scene from an auction at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, YouTube video, 2007.
Gennevilliers Town Hall voice server, 2019.
Théobald de Bentzmann, recruitment video for the start-up Chefing, 2018.
Excerpt of the children’s news show Les Z'infos, Télé Kids, 2007.
Excerpt of The Legendary Tape Recordings Vol.2 by Walter Gavitt Ferguson, year unknown.
Litany of a beggar, personal recording, 2019.
Méline, excerpt of a horoscope segment on NRJ, 1999.
Quentin Le Brouster, CTO of the start-up Black Market, YouTube video, 2019.
Excerpt of the show C'est mon choix, FR3, 1990s.
Announcement in the Paris metro, line 14, 2010.
Tom Lescher aka Kaypacha, excerpt from a video on the YouTube channel « New Paradigm Astrology », 2019.
Message posted on YouTube, 2014.
Pierre Sabbagh, from the ORTF newscast, 1968.
Catherine Lemorton during a debate in French Parliament about the second Hadopi Law, 2009.
Redjep Mitrovitsa, excerpt of the performance Le Journal de Nijinski recorded for France Culture, 1996.
Excerpt of a YouTube video, year unknown.
Bernard Heidsieck, excerpt of the sound poem “Tu viens chéri(e),” 1975.
Five messages left on the answering machine of Nicolas Rollet, 2008.
Excerpt of a divinatory card reading, YouTube, 2014.
Excerpt of a ASMR meditation sound session, YouTube, 2014.
Excerpt from an audio correspondence, 1993
Newsreader, excerpt of the TV listings for Antenne 2, 1980s.
'Audiomaton' record, 1960s.
Macha Béranger, excerpt of the opening credits to Allô Macha, France Inter, 1977-2006.
Scene from the Parisian metro, personal recording by Joëlle Gayot, 2013.
Live video on Instagram, 2019.
Message from Queen Mathilde, extract from a video posted on YouTube, 2018
Trailer for Beyond the Valley of the Dolls by Russ Meyer, 1970.
Queen Elizabeth II, excerpt from an allocuation, 2020.
Excerpt of a message to Bachar Al-Assad by a resident of Homs, YouTube, 2012.
Amy Walker, YouTube video, 2008.
Excerpt of the show Sesame Street, season 43, episode 12, 2012.
Kenneth Copeland, anathema, 2020.
Robert De Niro, excerpt of the film Taxi Driver by Martin Scorsese, 1976.
Excerpt of the compilation Flexi-Sex, Trunk Records, 1970s.
Excerpt from a hypnosis video posted on YouTube, 2016.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
Extract from a report presented by children, Jemidor TV, 2021.
Message left on an answering machine, 2021.
The Lady of Diamonds, excerpt from a fortune-telling session, Facebook live, 2021.
Ramon Pipin, excerpt from a jazz tutorial, video posted on Facebook, 2020.
WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.
Delphine Seyrig, excerpt from an audio letter to her son, 1974.
Excerpt from an audio correspondence, 1993
Philippe Seguin, excerpt from a speech at the first Parlement des enfants, 1994.