(Mh mh mh) yeh yeh eh
Selknam Shaman, Argentina, excerpt of Les voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions vocales, 1966
Melody | Remarkable modulations in tone that make speech tend toward song, chanting, or litany. At times uneven, repetitive, contrasted, or monotonous, melody is what gives speech its expressiveness.
School grammar books identify and teach three types of intonation corresponding to three modes of expression: declarative, interrogative, and exclamative. The first is associated with assessment or commentary: its melodic line “drops” at the end of a sentence. The second is for questions, the voice rising into a small upward curve at the end of an utterance to mark a suspension waiting to be resolved. The last case, for surprise, is also ascendant but more sharply so, as if suspended at its peak by the event that made it happen.
In reality, though, speech undergoes much more subtle modulations: it is obvious that we do not always speak in the same tone, and that even the most ordinary form of speech modulates its pitch and rhythm. Listening to this excerpt of a piece by René Lussier shows us just that.
As with timbre, certain speakers can be recognized by the melody of their speech; certain situations can also be recognized by the melodies they call for. Certain contexts produce more or less regular or uneven melodies, marking the affective or rhetorical nature of the enunciative situation in question. Finally, speech can also tend toward chanting or litany. In such cases, we say that it sounds like a speaker is singing when they talk, and the melodic aspect of their speech, freed of the necessities of address, will favor expressiveness over expression.
Certain forms of speech are built from pre-established tonal canons. Like this French railway announcement, for example, played on train station platforms. The strangeness of these words is due to the fact that they are artificially constructed, made up of pre-recorded words that form a coherent and instantly effective utterance (“travelers are to move to platform 1 without delay”), all while revealing their patched-together nature through gaps in the tonal lines they follow. This paradoxical excerpt is both regular and strangely inorganic.
In many cases, speech is very clearly structured (or implied) by certain melodic standards that have been more or less well assimilated by a speaker. The “proper speech” or “proper reading” these words tend to conform to are based on a certain vision of variety and modulation. This sermon, this response to an interview, this story, all aim to give life to a scene or utterance that will make them more lively and attractive.
These forms of speech can combat the monotony of someone “droning on” by playing with different voices or pitches (for an example of monotonous yet thrilling speech, see Mon père by Charles Pennequin).
In this excerpt from Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet’s film En Rachachant, conventional speech pitches are outrageously accentuated to produce a strange form of dialogue, trying so hard to sound correct that it feels “fake”—perhaps the very definition of the invented word rachacher which gives the film its title.
Some of this collection’s excerpts contain melodies remarkable for the way they modulate their pitches into almost sinusoidal forms. This process is characterized by repetitive utterances in which a speaker tries to make each iteration unique through pitch variation, as in shipping forecasts, this tongue twister, or this Gertrude Stein reading. In the same vein, we can cite the very strongly cadenced melody of an auctioneer’s words, compressed and accelerated to an extreme.
A sinusoidal melody also often ends up taking root by custom or wear, as in the routine musicality of this stewardess’s voice, identical in Arabic and in French. Or, sometimes the pattern and repetition of such modulations are structured around a strongly accentuated final note which highlights an utterance’s serial nature: lists, enumeration, arguments. This kind of melody gives speech rhythm, as can be heard in this excerpt from an Abdellatif Kechiche film or in this lecture by Vladimir Jankelevitch.
Whereas standardized speech modulates its pitch around a base frequency, some forms of speech are defined by uneven melodies which take form “by hops and by skips,” like the archetypal example of Vladimir Jankelevitch, who can be heard in this wonderful excerpt. These melodic jolts often mark problems in someone’s speech. Physiological problems for this transsexual person going through hormone treatments, or, more largely, ailments produced by an overflow of emotion (or the desire to produce some).
Such is the case with political speeches and their vehemence, pleas, poetic diatribes and, in an even more musical example, gospel preaching (see also C’est bizarre). These “eccentric” melodies are produced by overemphasis, seen as a particular means of dramatizing speech. Indeed, this example shows how a tragedian’s declamation is carried by the rise and fall of her lyrical intonations (see also Entre ici, Jean Moulin).
Speech with uneven melodies belongs to a system that exceeds the typical boundaries of intonation, calling out to the pre-verbal kingdom of children or animals, as with this cowherd from Poitou guiding his animals, or this man imitating birdcalls. This is also the case with babies babbling, a process that is both expressive (showing us the child’s happy or angry affects), intentional (babbling is addressed to someone, it counts on certain effects), and experimental. A child discovers and tunes its vocal apparatus through a series of intuitive scales that allow it to measure tessitura and learn to modulate expressiveness. This is not far from the approach of certain twentieth-century poets or composers like Raoul Hausmann or Luciano Berio, who dismantled and reinvented traditional modes of singing and habitual forms of speech.
Often, the extension of certain vowels pushes these forms of speech close to song, as in this hypnosis tape, this reading of a poem by its author, or this piece by John Cage.
Hence, the collection also provides us with forms of speech whose tonal variations push them close to song. This is the murky domain of sing-speech or speak-song. Opera recitatives, for example, are a means of playing with the tonal organization of speech. Sometimes speech functions like a residual mode of singing (see C’est fini là il est fichu il est mort or La bataille), or sometimes singing’s melodic structure allows for a message to be expressed, as in this recording by an Art Brut artist. Finally, certain unique utterances allow us to hear the way that singing’s aesthetic independence and communicative intent can be ritually bound to one another (see Mantra de la compassion, L’enfant du Coran, (Mh mh mh) yeh yeh eh): in order for speech to be truly effective as such, it must be sung; indeed, it is speech only insofar as it is song.
Selknam Shaman, Argentina, excerpt of Les voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions vocales, 1966
René Lussier, excerpt of the recording Le Trésor de la langue, 1989.
William Butler Yeats, excerpt of a recording for the BBC, 1932.
Evelyne Dheliat, excerpt from the TF1 weather report, 2016.
Announcement in a TGV train car, 2011.
Excerpt of the hypnosis recording Méta-relaxation : créativité face aux problèmes, 1990s.
Orphée Elimane Mbengue, personnal recording by Julie Lacoste, 2008.
Nazareth Casti Rey aka "el Niño predicador", excerpt from a preaching, 2000s.
Child learning Chinese, YouTube video, 2008.
Excerpt of an advertisement for an anti-depressant, 2004.
Donald Trump, excerpt of the state of emergency speech, 2019.
SNCF announcement, 2000s.
Poitou farmer’s call, excerpt of the recording Voix du Monde : une anthologie des expressions orales, 1986.
Security instructions before takeoff, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2012.
Radio test, excerpt of a recording for the film Tongue Twisters by Érik Bullot, 2007.
Excerpt of a Catholic sermon, excerpt of the show La Messe, France Culture, 2009.
Market scene, 2019.
Yves, excerpt of the film Le Moindre Geste by Fernand Deligny, 1962-1971.
David, excerpt of the compilation Musics in the Margin—Musiques en marge, 2009.
Gérard Filoche, excerpt of an interview, LCI, 2013.
Scene from the subway, recording by Thibault Capéran, 2012.
Market scene, 2019
Presentation of the Philippine show Pornikula, 2009.
Man reading an obituary, recording by Gauthier Tassart, 2007.
Scène de famille, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2018.
Lil Wayne, excerpt of the album Tha Carter III, 2008.
Patrick Buisson, excerpt from the radio program Répliques, 2016
Kenneth Williams and Michael Parkinson, excerpt of the show Parkinson, BBC 1, 1973.
Jacqueline, Six fois deux / Sur et sous la communication (episode 6b) from Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, 1976.
Chivalrous song, excerpt of the documentary Moro no Brasil by Mika Kaurismaki, 2002.
Klaus Kinski, Yves Mourousi, excerpt from Télé Zèbre, Antenne 2, 1990.
Excerpt of a video for learning how to count, Russia, 2013.
Recitation of a mantra, excerpt of a YouTube video, unknown date.
Annie Johnston, excerpt of a recording by Alan Lomax Bird Imitations, Barra island (Scotland), 1951
Hafsia Herzi, excerpt of the film La Graine et le mulet by Abdellatif Kechiche, 2007.
Olivier Straub, Nadette Thinus, Raymond Gérard, excerpt of the film En rachâchant by Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, 1982.
Dialogue between of a reality tv star and a beggar, Porto, 2013.
André Malraux, excerpt of a speech made to mark the transfer of Jean Moulin’s ashes to the Panthéon, 1964.
Raymond Devos, excerpt of the film Pierrot le fou by Jean-Luc Godard, 1965.
Jean-Marie Massou, excerpt of Message pour les témoins de Jéhovah, 2007.
Message posted on YouTube, 2013.
Carlo Bonomi, excerpt from the serial La linea by Osvaldo Cavandoli, RAI, 1971.
Amy Walker, excerpt of the video “21 Accents” posted on YouTube, 2008.
Kristina Rose and Manuel Ferrara, excerpt of the film Kristina Rose Is Slutwoman, 2011.
Sermon by a pastor in the United States, excerpt of Les Voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions orales, 1978
Excerpt of the A & E show, A&E TV, 2010.
Excerpt from an ARK : Aberration game, 2017.
Speech at a retirement celebration, excerpt of the film Chers camarades by Gérard Vidal, 2004.
Excerpt of A-Ronne by Luciano Berio, text by Edoardo Sanguineti, 1974.
Excerpt of a yoga class, 2010.
Curse by an Itako shaman, recorded at the Osorezam festival, Japan, 1973.
Antonin Artaud, excerpt of the radio performance Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu, recorded for the RDF (but never broadcast), 1947.
"Musique blanche" from La Patrouille de France, YouTube video, 2013.
Reciting of a poem by a child at official inauguration, Poland, 2011
Excerpt of City Lights by Charlie Chaplin, 1931.
Raoul Hausmann, excerpt of Phonèmes, 1956-1957.
Hasan bin Abdullah Al Awadh, ritual reading of the Coran, 2006.
Vladimir Jankélévitch, excerpt of the recording La Tentation, 2002.
Colette Magny, excerpt of the recording Transit, 1975.
Louis Aragon, excerpt of the show Entretiens avec, ORTF, 1964.
Jacques Vergès, excerpt of his plea for Klaus Barbie, 1987.
Marius Champailler, excerpt of the story “Les Corbeaux” in Franco-Provençal, recording by J.B. Martin, F. Charpigny, and A.M. Genouiller, Aix-en-Provence, 1986.
Leon Trotsky, excerpt of a filmed message, unknown date.
Vladimir Jankélévitch, excerpt of the show Dialogues, 1975.
Circus advertisement, personal recording, 2014.
E.e. cummings, excerpt of a reading of "95 poems", 1958.
Michael Buffer, introduction to the fight of George Foreman vs. Shannon Briggs, 1997.
Maria Callas and Barbara Shuttleworth, excerpt of a recording of a masterclass at the Julliard School, 1971.
Claude Levi-Strauss and Georges Charbonnier, excerpt of Grands Entretiens, France Culture, 1959.
Street Scene, excerpts from the documentary On the Edge of the World, Claude Drexel, Arte, 2014.
Excerpt from a spanish consumer's YouTube video channel, 2015
Marie-Pierre Planchon, excerpt from La météo marine, France Inter, 2009.
Josep Maria Puyal, excerpt from a soccer commentary, Catalunya Ràdio, 2007.
Drawing of the Sorteo de Navidad, Christmas lottery, 2014.
An account, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2008.
Rattata capture scene, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube, 2015.
Lucinda Childs, excerpt of the opera Einstein on the Beach by Philip Glass and Robert Wilson, 1976.
Cumbia Siglo XX, excerpt of the compilation Palenque Palenque : Champeta criolla & Afro Roots in Columbia, 1970s.
John Korrey, excerpt of an auction, excerpt from the DVD Chant of a Champion, 2007.
Excerpt from the marine weather report, Sverige Radio, Sweden, 2017.
Introduction to the fight of Sam King Soliman vs. Raoul Nunoz, 2006.
Sarah Bernhardt reading a monologue from Jean Racine’s Phèdre, 1902.
Call of a rag-picker, Serbia, 2007.
Excerpt of an orthodox monk's YouTube video blog, Romania, 2014.
Interview about a murder, portuguese television, 2016.
Excerpt of the news report “La cour des miracles de Mons” by Adrien Lasserre and Jean-Christophe Adnet, RTBF, 2012.
Johann Schneider Ammann, President of the Helvetic Confederation, excerpt from a video address on the occasion of the Day of the Sick, 2016.
Scene from an auction at the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo, YouTube video, 2007.
Gennevilliers Town Hall voice server, 2019.
Announcement by an Air Morocco stewardess, personal recording, 2010.
Recitation of a mantra, YouTube video, 2007.
Poetry recital contest on Chinese television, 2014.
John Cage, excerpt of the performance Empty Words at the Teatro Lirico of Milan, 1977.
Nöel Godin, excerpt from « La croisade pâtissière de Georges Le Gloupier », Strip-tease, 1987.
Excerpt of a yoga class, personal recording, 2012.
Andrei Lado, excerpt from an articulatory gymnastics class, YouTube, 2012.
Improvised rhyme, 2019
Excerpt of the CNN World News, 2011.
Maria di Trapani, video letter, YouTube, 2013.
Michel Daedern, excerpt of an interview, 2007
Writing workshop scene from Le Papotin, directed by Alexandre Plank for L’Atelier Fiction, France Culture, 2017.
Constance Legris, Member of European Parliament, French Radio, 2016.
Scene from the subway, personal recording, 2016.
Victoria, volunteer reader, excerpt of the audiobook Sans Famille by Hector Malo, 2009.
Noëlle Obscarskas, excerpt of a conversation with an ostrich, YouTube, 2014.
Recounting of an experience, 2018.
Excerpt from a church sermon, slovak television, 2014.
Jill Bolte Taylor, excerpt of the TED Talk A Stroke of Insight, 2008.
Excerpt of a marketing class, personal recording, 2014.
Sceneable, excerpt of a video posted on Youtube, 2017.
Rex Harrison, Wilfrid Hyde-White, from George Cukor's My Fair Lady, 1964.
Gertrude Stein, reading of the poem “If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso,” 1934-1935.
Itinerant umbrella repairer in Shanghai, 1980s.
Klaus Kinski, Yves Mourousi, excerpt from Télé Zèbre, Antenne 2, 1990.
Scène de famille, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2018.
Itinerant umbrella repairer in Shanghai, 1980s.
Nöel Godin, excerpt from « La croisade pâtissière de Georges Le Gloupier », Strip-tease, 1987.
Drawing of the Sorteo de Navidad, Christmas lottery, 2014.
Excerpt from an ARK : Aberration game, 2017.
Carlo Bonomi, excerpt from the serial La linea by Osvaldo Cavandoli, RAI, 1971.
Rattata capture scene, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube, 2015.
Scene from the street, personal recording, unknown year.
Scene from the subway, personal recording, 2016.