

Jukebox is a solo piece designed for a single geographic space: a city, a territory, or a region. Each version, composed in close collaboration with a local team of researchers/collectors, an actor, and a translator aims to share L'Encyclopédie de la Parole’s methods and process and to perform the singular forms of speech borne by specific cultural and geographic contexts : “If I live in Marseille, Göteborg, Bamako, or Buenos Aires, what are the different forms of speech that pass through me on a given day?”

By allowing spectators to choose which words are performed and in what order, Jukebox aims to explore the ways in which a community represents itself. What do we want to hear from the language we speak? From our own culture? Which voices will spectators choose to hear at each performance? How will they make them resonate with one another?

Administration, production & distribution Edwige Dousset - +33 (0)6 13 43 11 29  - administration@echelle1-1.org