All Documents

  • 'Ana min huna

    Mahmoud Darwich reading a poem, excerpt from the documentary “Mahmoud Darwich et la terre comme langue” from Simone Bitton, 1998.

  • (Mh mh mh) yeh yeh eh

    Selknam Shaman, Argentina, excerpt of Les voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions vocales, 1966

  • 06 13 45 14 53

    Anne-James Chaton, excerpt of the performance Le Plasticien, 2008.

  • 100 drops

    Klaus Groh, excerpt of the sound poem Voooxing Poooêtre, 1982.

  • 3949

    Telephone server for Pôle Emploi, 2010.

  • 4 balles 10 francs 10 ans

    Scène from the funfair 'Foire du Trône', recording by Daniel Deshays, date unknown.

  • 52 seconds

    Neil Patrick Harris, excerpt of the show How I met your mother, 2012.

  • 6 dégâts

    Artificial voice, excerpt of a reading by Katalin Molnar at the Centre Pompidou (Paris), 2000.

  • À droite à chemin st Foix

    René Lussier, excerpt of the recording Le Trésor de la langue, 1989.

  • À feu et à sang

    Phone conversation between a manager and an employee, excerpt from the TV show, Cash Investigation, France Télévisions, 2017.

  • A few words to sing

    Luisa Castellani, excerpt of Sequenza III by Luciano Berio, 1998.

  • A for atomic

    Reading of the Atomic Alphabet by Chris Burden, 1982.

  • A Gesù Cristo direttamente

    Stefano Siviero, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube, 2014.

  • A global citizen of the world

    Commercial for investment opportunities in cyprus real estate development, 2016

  • A hive for the honeybee

    William Butler Yeats, excerpt of a recording for the BBC, 1932.

  • À la vie éternelle

    Catholic liturgy, excerpt of the show La Messe, France Culture, 2011.

  • A long tail

    Mark Leckey, excerpt of In the Long Tail, Abrons Art Centre, 2009.

  • À peine un filet pluvieux

    Evelyne Dheliat, excerpt from the TF1 weather report, 2016.

  • A pleasant evening

    Announcement in a TGV train car, 2011.

  • A song like that

    Nina Simone, excerpt of a concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival, 1976.

  • À une minute de silence

    Cécile Duflot and Claude Bartolone, excerpt from a government question session, 2014.

  • A very lonely process

    Viola May, excerpt of Peter Goldsmid and Zanele Zuholi’s film Difficult Love, 2010.

  • A wind… ? Puff !

    Two-years-old children learning a G.M. Hopkins poem, personal recording by Stacy Doris, 2008.

  • Aaa, eee, aaa, yooo

    Excerpt of a satanic ritual, YouTube, 2011.

  • Abandonnez-vous à la détente

    Excerpt of the hypnosis recording Méta-relaxation : créativité face aux problèmes, 1990s.

  • ABC

    Artificial voice reading the lyrics to ABC by the Jackson 5, 2013.

  • Absolument délirant

    Marine Le Pen, excerpt of a radio interview, 2008.

  • Achii chii méé

    Orphée Elimane Mbengue, personnal recording by Julie Lacoste, 2008.

  • After the end of the world

    Sun Ra, excerpt of the recording It's After the End of the World, 1970.

  • Ah hh ah

    Danielle, reading excerpted from the Hysterical Literature project produced by Clayton Cubitt, 2012.

  • Ah ils sont là !

    Voicemail message, 2017.

  • Ah, un paysan!

    Robert Cabé, excerpt of the film Cultures et Biodiversité dans le Massif Pyrénéen by Ralph Mahfoud and Thierry Boutonnier, 2013.

  • Ah-Hooooh

    Victoria Azarenka and Caroline Wozniacki, excerpt of a tennis semi-final, 2010.

  • Ai-le-ron

    Scene from a rehabilitation process, YouTube video, 2008.

  • Aleph, beth, ghimel

    Recording of Erik Bullot for the film Glossolalie, 2005.

  • All systems are ready

    Countdown to the launch of an H-2A rocket, Japan, 2014.

  • Allez on démarre

    Laurie Cholewa, excerpt of the TNT Show, Direct 8, 2008.

  • Allez poulette

    Excerpt of a training session, YouTube video, 2012.

  • Allô

    Simone Signoret, excerpt of the play La Voix humaine by Jean Cocteau, 1964.

  • Alo !

    Excerpt of Nicolaz Ceauşescu’s final speech, Televiziunea Românã, 1989.

  • Alors

    Ramon Pipin, excerpt from a jazz tutorial, video posted on Facebook, 2020.

  • Alors d'abord sur en fait

    Coralie Innelé, excerpt of the show La Fabrique de l'Histoire, France Culture, 2009.

  • Alors écoute euh…

    Delphine Seyrig, excerpt from an audio letter to her son, 1974.

  • Alors tout de bon

    WhatsApp vocal message, 2020.

  • Amie was brave

    An account, excerpt of the film Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog, 2005.

  • And we will defeat you

    Excerpt of a jihadist speech posted online, 2014.

  • And we won

    Donald Trump, excerpt of the state of emergency speech, 2019.

  • Anderson !

    Michelle Bachmann, excerpt from a TV debate hosted by Anderson Cooper for the Republican primary, 2011.

  • Anonyme Anonyme merci

    Danielle Mérian, YouTube video, 2015.

  • Anti-skywise peut-être

    Tanneurs Quarante-Cinq, attempted live translation, excerpt from the video "Quatre strophes de Jean-Luc Wauthier devant une porte de garage", YouTube, 2016.

  • Anyone can fucking do it

    Ninja (Die Antwoord), excerpt of an interview, 2011.

  • Arabesque

    Marie-Thérèse Allier, Sabine Macher, recording by Sabine Macher, 2012.

  • Are you guys in trouble ?

    Scene from a family, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2014.

  • Are you ready ?

    Choral Speaking competition, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2010.

  • Arrête de faire le clown

    Doc Gynéco and Mustapha, excerpt of the show On n’est pas couché, France 2, 2007.

  • Arrogance

    Roland Barthes, excerpt of Le Neutre, lecture at the Collège de France titled Le Neutre, 1977-1978.

  • Art is important

    Nicole Kidman, excerpt of her speech after receiving the Oscar for best actress, 2003.

  • Ashanti

    Jimmy and Imrul, excerpt of the Radio Ld'A project by Lincoln Tobier, Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, 2002.

  • Attentat à Jérusalem

    Excerpt of a television news report, 2000s.

  • Attention à la mousse !

    Arrival of a skating race at the Strasbourg Europe Races, YouTube video, 2008.

  • Attention d'vant là-bas les gars

    Poitou farmer’s call, excerpt of the recording Voix du Monde : une anthologie des expressions orales, 1986.

  • Attention toujours la deux

    Excerpt of a bonus DVD from L'École des femmes by Don Kent, Arte Vidéo, 2008.

  • Au centre à l'arrière

    Security instructions before takeoff, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2012.

  • Au moment de commencer

    Roland Barthes, excerpt of the lecture Comment vivre ensemble, Collège de France, 1976-1977.

  • Au nom de Dieu

    Scene from a coronation, excerpt of the documentary Die Grosse Stille by Philip Gröning, 2006.

  • Au quatrième top

    Talking clock French vocal server, 2013.

  • Au salon de l'agriculture

    Claire Chazal, excerpt of the TF1 news hour, 2013.

  • Au service du Maréchal

    Pétainist Youth, excerpt of the film Le Chagrin et la pitié by Marcel Ophuls, 1969.

  • Au tribunal muet des songes recueillis

    Tiago Rodrigues and volunteers, excerpt from the show L’atelier de la fiction, France culture, 2015.

  • Au-delà de la langue

    Jean-Luc Godard, excerpt from an Intagram live, 2020.

  • Avec quelles lunettes, hein

    Anne Cheng, excerpt from the show Éloge du savoir, France Culture, 2009.

  • Avec une brutalité énorme

    Speech of a union leader after an action at the Ministry of Labor, 2019.

  • Avida Dollars

    Salvador Dali, excerpt of the Flexi disc L'Apothéose du dollar, 1971.

  • Awesome 84

    The Electrified Mojo, radio show jingle on WJMB, Detroit, 1984.

  • Axtherastical

    Jaap Blonk, excerpt of the recording , 1993.

  • Azione!

    Director's instructions on the shooting of a porn movie, 2000s.

  • Baguette de merde

    Conversation with friends, personal recording by Pierre-Yves Macé, 2011.

  • Barbaric !

    Senator Robert Byrd, excerpt of a speech to the United States Senate, 2007.

  • Bare helt utenfor meg

    An account, excerpt of the radio documentary Et Godt sted by Gyrid Listuen, NRK, 2007.

  • Basket of biscuits

    Radio test, excerpt of a recording for the film Tongue Twisters by Érik Bullot, 2007.

  • Bear stop that

    Scene from a hike, excerpt of a video posted on YouTube, 2015.

  • Beaucoup plus tchic que ça

    Natalia Makarovas, ballet rehearsal for the Paris Opera, excerpt of the documentary film Ballerina, BBC, 1982.

  • Becoming receptive

    Excerpt of a hypnosis recording, unknown source.

  • Bezerk

    Voicemail message quoting lyrics from “Nervous Breakdown” by Black Flag, unknown source.

  • Bienfacture

    Excerpt from an interview with an apprentice in luxury clock-making, 2019.

  • Bientôt le Seigneur va venir

    Excerpt of the recording Message du salut de la Mission suisse par disque, 1962.

  • Blaze the light of ten thousands suns

    Ceremony by the Church Universal and Triumphant, excerpt of The Sounds of American Doomsday Cults, 1984.

  • Blessed

    Family conversation, recording by Ese Brume, 2013.

  • Bloquez-moi ce port

    Message posted on Youtube, 2019.

  • Boire un coup

    Parrot training session, video posted on YouTube, 2007.

  • Bola fora

    Excerpt from a soccer commentary, 2017.

  • Bon courage

    Announcement of the death of the singer Carlos, France Bleu, 2008.

  • Bona nit

    Joan Porras, message of support for political prisoners, 2018.

  • Bonheur national brut

    Nicolas Sarkozy, excerpt of a speech giving Dany Boon the badges of the Legion of Honor, 2009.

  • Bonne nouvelle

    Excerpt of a Catholic sermon, excerpt of the show La Messe, France Culture, 2009.

  • Boom

    Steve Jobs, keynote address for Mac OS X Tiger, 2008.

  • Bortugal un euro

    Market scene, 2019.

  • Bouge pas

    Excerpt of a shooting lesson, unknown source.

  • Bouilloire

    Geoffrey Carey, Frédéric Danos, excerpt of the recording of predictions, 2019.

  • Bra Vera

    Conversation between a woman and her dog, personal recording, 2017

  • Bravo !

    Triumph at the Scala of Milan, 90s.

  • Brouhaha cocktail

    Scene from a cocktail party at UNESCO, personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2011.

  • Brouhaha prière

    Scene of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries evangelists praying, personal recording, 2010.

  • Bullshit to me

    LL Cool J, excerpt of the song “It Gets No Rougher,” 1989.

  • Buyrun

    Scene from an unloading of merchandise, personal recording by Claude Vittiglio, 2003.

  • C'est bizarre

    Yves, excerpt of the film Le Moindre Geste by Fernand Deligny, 1962-1971.

  • C'est ça

    An account, excerpt of the show Les Pieds sur terre, France Culture, 2007.

  • C'est ça la réalité

    Emmanuel Macron, presentation of the "Plan Banlieues" at the Élysée Palace, 2018.

  • C'est ça qu'ils ont élu

    Marie-Georges Buffet, excerpt of an election night party, TF1, 2007.

  • C'est du racimse

    Jamel Debbouze, Omar Sy, Fred Testo, excerpt of the show Le Cinéma de Jamel, Canal +, 1998.

  • C'est fini

    Excerpt of the show Peter Peter !!! by Stéphanie Chêne, 2006.

  • C'est gai madame !

    Market scene, Place du Jeu de Balle in Brussels, personal recording, 2012

  • C'est pas comparable à rien

    Maïté, excerpt of the show La Cuisine des Mousquetaires, FR3, 1987.

  • C'est pas de moi, c'est René Char

    Nicolas Sarkozy, excerpt of a speech presenting the medals of the Legion of Honor to Dany Boon, 2009.

  • C'est pas la peine

    Excerpt of a report by Vincent Lapierre, Le média pour tous, 2019.

  • C'est quelqu'un qui euhm

    Ariane Dubillard on her father, France Culture, 2013.

  • C'est qui les porcs ?

    Marc-Olivier Fogiel, Hamé, Ekoué, Danièle Evenou, excerpt of the show On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde, France 3, 2005.

  • C'est un parti sain

    Gérard Filoche, excerpt of an interview, LCI, 2013.

  • C'est une bonne occasion

    Excerpt of the film Biquefarre by Georges Rouquier, 1983.

  • C'est une étape

    Trade unionists and worker having a conversation, excerpt of the film La reprise du travail aux usines Wonder by Jacques Willemont, 1968.

  • C'est une terrible nouvelle

    Liane Foly, phone call during a television broadcast, 2018

  • C'était l'enfer

    Excerpt of Renzo Martens’s film Episode I, 2003.

  • C'tait un sacré pommier

    Extract from an interview in the Normandy bocage, recorded by Perrine Davy, 2021.

  • C, E and G

    Excerpt of a piano tutorial for learning the song “Imagine,” YouTube video, 2008.

  • Ça c'est un sourire

    Conversation in an hospital, excerpt of a recording by Esther Salmona, 2008.

  • Ça m'arrive à moi

    Michel Sardou, excerpt of the show T'empêche tout le monde de dormir, M6, 2007.

  • Ça smoke Heaven ?

    Excerpt from a game of Counter strike global offensive, personal recording, 2018.

  • Ça va être hardcore

    Pierre-Yves Macé, Grégory Castéra, Esther Salmona, Frédéric Danos, Joris Lacoste, Nicolas Rollet, Nicolas Fourgeaud, excerpt of a meeting held by the Encyclopédie de la parole, 2009.

  • Ça va venir

    Excerpt of a sermon in Kinshasa, recording by Manuel Coursin, 2004.

  • Ça vous prend au ventre

    Priscilla Pizzato, excerpt of the show La Grande Table, 2010.

  • Cachou Lajaunie

    Fabulous Trobadors, excerpt of the recording Era pas de faire, 1992.

  • Calculer une intégrale

    Leçon de mathématiques, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2008.

  • Cantata BWV 78

    Deaf-mute people performing a Bach cantata, excerpt of the recording Deaf Bach by Artur Zmijewski, 2003.

  • Carte Noire

    Pierre-Alain de Garrigues, radio commercial, the 2000s.

  • Cartoon de Grain

    Excerpt of commentary on a trifecta bet, 2007.

  • Ce jour entre les jours

    Gaston Bachelard, excerpt of an interview with Pierre Schaeffer, Radio Télévision Française, 1940s.

  • Ce que nous défendons

    Interruption of the 8 o’clock news hour by the Group of Occasional and Precarious Workers, France 2, 2003.

  • Ce serait bien que tu articules

    Carole Franck, Osman Elkharraz, Sara Forestier, excerpt of the film L'Esquive by Abdelatif Kechiche, 2004.

  • Célèbre avenue

    Excerpt of the show Questions pour un champion, 2000s.

  • Céleste n'oubliez pas

    Céleste Albaret, excerpt of the show Portrait souvenir, ORTF, 1962.

  • Certificat de naissance

    Jean-Marie Straub, excerpt of the show Nuits Magnétiques, France Culture, 1992.

  • Ces nuances et ces surnuances

    Helios Azoulay, excerpt of the show Ce soir ou jamais, France 3, 2009.

  • Ces pulsions de haine affreuse

    Catherine Chalier, excerpt of the show Les nouveaux chemins de la connaissance, France Culture, 2010.

  • Cette goutte de sueur qui perle

    Interview with storyteller Gabriel Kinsa, excerpt from documentary La voix en quelques éclats, Pierre Boulay and Claire Parnet, 2013.

  • Chacun son cul

    Scene from the subway, recording by Thibault Capéran, 2012.

  • Champions du monde

    Eugène Saccomano, excerpt of commentary from the World Cup, Europe 1, 1998.

  • Chant kanak

    Kanak chant, excerpt of the recording Les Voix du monde : anthologie des expressions orales, 1984.

  • Chauffe-eau

    Conversation with friends, excerpt of a personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2008.

  • Chauve-souris fantôme

    Papy Boris, personal recording, 1990s.

  • Che belle patate

    Market scene, 2019

  • Check the flashes, son

    Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, excerpt of the album Striving for Perfection, 1995.

  • Cherche chèves

    Noëlle Obscarskas, YouTube video, 2012.

  • Cheval-mouvement

    Olivier Cadiot, excerpt of the text Mr Solo, personal recording, 1980s.

  • Chick, chick

    Alain Delon, Dick Cavett, excerpt of The Dick Cavett Show, ABC, 1970.

  • Chicken or beef

    Mic soundcheck before a Five Finger Death Punch Concert, Casper, WY, 2012.

  • Chokolomo chokolomo

    Pastor Steve Foss, excerpt of the video 1-55 Revival Explosion of Power, the 2000s.

  • Chuis un lent du caillou

    Discussion with a man on the pedestrian in Brussels, personal recording, 2016

  • Ciaf ciaf ciaf !

    Cathy Berberian, excerpt from her musical piece Stripsody, 1966.

  • Cinq minutes d'expression

    Geoffroy Didier, excerpt of a speech at the LGBT meeting for equality, 2012.

  • Cinquante-cinq ans

    Excerpt of the film Doulaye, une saison des pluies by Henri-François Imbert, 1999.

  • Come a long long way

    Presentation of the Philippine show Pornikula, 2009.

  • Comme des fantômes

    Excerpt of a YouTube video, 2012.

  • Commence the fuel dump

    Air traffic controller and pilot having a conversation, 1998.

  • Comment j'ai appris à ne pas

    Jérôme Game, excerpt of a reading at the cipM (Marseille), 2005.

  • Compresseur de temps

    Grand Magasin, excerpt of the show 5ème Forum International du Cinéma d'Entreprise, 2005.

  • Connais pas

    Man reading an obituary, recording by Gauthier Tassart, 2007.

  • Consonne, voyelle

    Excerpt of the television game show Des chiffres et des lettres, Antenne 2, 1972.

  • Constantinopolitano

    Portuguese pronunciation exercise, personal recording, 2013.

  • Contentez votre gloire

    Eugene Green, excerpt of a reading of Bérénice, France Culture, 2000.

  • Continuar na merda

    Message posted on YouTube, 2014.

  • Continuez toujours

    Pierre Velay, excerpt of the recording Accouchement sans douleur, 1960s.

  • Coquelicot

    Scène de famille, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2018.

  • Coraggio

    Leonard Bernstein, Schleswig-Holstein Orchestra, rehearsal for The Rite of Spring, 1988.

  • Cos I don't write shit

    Lil Wayne, excerpt of the album Tha Carter III, 2008.

  • Couché, assis, debout

    Training session, excerpt of a YouTube video.

  • Couvre-toi bien

    Voicemail message, 2013.

  • Cuarenta y cinco

    Excerpt of the show El Precio Justo, TVE, 2000.

  • C’est bien mon poussin

    Scene at the dentist's, excerpt from a YouTube video, 2010s.

  • C’est de l’Éluard

    Jean-Michel Royer and Georges Pompidou, excerpt from a press conference, ORTF, 1969.

  • C’est du biberonnage

    Franco Dragone, excerpt from the documentary film Looking for Dragone by Manu Bonmariage, 2009

  • C’est moi qui suis ridicule ?

    Intervention by Julie Fernandez Fernandez at the Belgian Parliament, 2017

  • C’est pas mademoiselle, c’est madame

    Jacqueline, Six fois deux / Sur et sous la communication (episode 6b) from Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville, 1976.

  • D'abord je voudrais dire

    Emmanuelle Béart, excerpt of an interview for the France 2 news hour, 1996.

  • D'accord

    Phone call, personal recording, 2019.

  • Dad it's going under

    Dialog between a girl and her dad on a boat, YouTube video, 2012.

  • Dadada dadada da

    Baby dialogue, YouTube video, 2012.

  • Daniel, j’t'explique

    What’s App message, personal recording, 2018

  • Dans l'état le plus gluant

    Paul Claudel, excerpt of an interview with Jacques Madaule and Pierre Schaeffer, 1944.

  • Dans un petit magnétophone

    Françoise Sagan, excerpt of the show Midi2, Antenne 2, 1985.

  • De abdoer twist

    Excerpt of the show Tommy Teleshopping, Dutch television, 2013.

  • De bonnes mœurs

    Paul Léautaud, excerpt of an interview with Robert Mallet, Radio Télévision Française, 1951.

  • De droit et de liberté

    Christiane Taubira, response to a question by Laurent Wauquiez at the National Assembly, 2013.

  • De tous ces immondices

    Bailiff's report, from the show Les pieds sur terre, France Culture, 2015.

  • De tout mon amour

    Excerpt of a video blog, YouTube, 2007.

  • De toute urgence

    Message left on a voicemail by a banker, 2007.

  • Débranchez le sèche-cheveux

    Monsieur Fraize, excerpt of the comedy sketch “Coiffeur de stars à Cannes,” On n'demande qu'à en rire, France 2, 2011.

  • Dedicated to Molly

    Personal message, excerpt of the art project One Free Minute, Montréal, 2009.

  • Dediquei

    Chivalrous song, excerpt of the documentary Moro no Brasil by Mika Kaurismaki, 2002.

  • Deeper to sleep

    Excerpt of a hypnosis recording, unknown date.

  • Deinococcus radiodurans

    Adrienne Kish, excerpt of the show La Méthode scientifique, France Culture, 2019.

  • Demandez le programme

    Opéra Bastille usher, recording by Olivier Normand, 2013

  • Demi-lunes

    Driving course, 2015.

  • Der Minister

    Jaap Blonk, excerpt of the recording Flux de Bouche, 1993.

  • Des démons

    Scène from the subway, recording by Martin Juvanon du Vachat, 2016.

  • Des fréquences limites

    Barbara Matijević, excerpt of Purgatoire by Joris Lacoste, Théâtre national de la Colline, 2007.

  • Des pétards de clarté

    Darry Cowl, excerpt of the film Assassins et voleurs by Sacha Guitry, 1957.

  • Des silences médiatiques

    Excerpt of the show Les Pieds sur terre, France Culture, 2010.

  • Des silhouettes dans la pièce

    Excerpt of the show Le Troisième Quart de Siècle, Radio Canada, 1975.

  • Des trappes aux gens

    Klaus Kinski, Yves Mourousi, excerpt from Télé Zèbre, Antenne 2, 1990.

  • Desyat' obez'yan

    Excerpt of a video for learning how to count, Russia, 2013.

  • Deux euros de plus

    Commentator of the running of the bulls in Camargue, personal recording, 2019.

  • Deze vrouwen

    Excerpt from a belgian imam's preach, YouTube video, 2012.

  • Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

    Recitation of a mantra, excerpt of a YouTube video, unknown date.

  • Didgeridoo

    Australian aboriginal chant, excerpt of Les Voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions vocales, 1963.

  • Die greulichen Katzen

    Klaus Kinski, excerpt of Friedrich Schiller’s poem “Der Handschuh,” Deutsche Grammophon, 1959.

  • Diffuseur métallique

    Maurice Jarre, excerpt of the film In the Tracks of Maurice Jarre by Pascale Cuenot, 2007.

  • Discours de Hynkel

    Charlie Chaplin, excerpt of the film The Dictator, 1940.

  • Dix, neuf, huit

    Scene on the Champs-Elysées before the launching of the iPhone in France, 2007.

  • Do you feel blame

    Charles Manson, excerpt of an interview with Heidi Shulman, Today Show, 1987.

  • Dobbiamo immaginare

    Excerpt from a guided tour of the Domus Aurea in Roma, 2019.

  • Donc, donc

    Conference speaker presentation, unknown source, 1999.

  • Donnez-moi un Y

    Scene from the metro, excerpt of a personal recording posted on Audioboo, 2011.

  • Double dream hands

    John Jacobson, excerpt of a video dance class, 2010.

  • Double Rainbow

    Guy "Bear" Vasquez, YouTube video, 2010.

  • Double time

    Subzero, excerpt of a recording session posted on YouTube, 2008.

  • Down to the pit

    Leonard Cohen, excerpt of the documentary If It Be Your Will by Kari Hesthamarn, 2006.

  • Dracula ou le diable ?

    Excerpt from the show In Ze Boîte, Gulli, 2017

  • Du loopcut de partout

    Excerpt of a cosmetic packaging tutorial posted on YouTube, 2012.

  • Dubh-bhlian

    Annie Johnston, excerpt of a recording by Alan Lomax Bird Imitations, Barra island (Scotland), 1951


  • È scoppiato tutto

    Radio exchange between police and the conductor of a derailed train, Italy, 2009.

  • E.P.Q.

    Pierre Guyotat, excerpt of a personal recording, 1976.

  • Écoute mon grand

    Francis Lalanne, excerpt of the show Des Croissants dans l'acide, OuïFM, 2010.

  • Écoutez attentivement

    Excerpt of a recording for learning German, unknown source.

  • Eh bien, non !

    Julien Blaine, recitation of the poem I am a poet, 2000's.

  • Ein trainer ist nicht ein idiot

    Giovanni Trapattoni, Bayern München e.V. Fußball-Club coach, excerpt of a press conference, 1998.

  • Eine grosse Huu

    Excerpt of Astrid Bscher and Maestro Andris Nelsons’s documentary film Le Feu du génie, Arte, 2012.

  • Elle fait toujours la belle

    Hafsia Herzi, excerpt of the film La Graine et le mulet by Abdellatif Kechiche, 2007.

  • Elle pensa au loup

    Fernandel, excerpt of a reading of La Chèvre de monsieur Seguin by Alphonse Daudet, 1955.

  • Elles ont complètement fondues

    Excerpt of the show "Le Portugal face aux incendies", La Série Documentaire, France Culture, 2018.

  • En plus i s'fout d'ma gueule

    Thierry Roland and Jean-Michel Larqué, excerpt of an off-air discussion, 2000s.

  • Enfant Ernesto

    Olivier Straub, Nadette Thinus, Raymond Gérard, excerpt of the film En rachâchant by Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, 1982.

  • Enfin quand même

    Voicemail message, 2015.

  • Enkríthike apó tin pleiopsifía

    Zoé Konstantopoulou and Stelios Virvidakis, vote session at the Greek parliament, 2013.

  • Entre ici, Jean Moulin

    André Malraux, excerpt of a speech made to mark the transfer of Jean Moulin’s ashes to the Panthéon, 1964.

  • Entre le bien et le mal

    Scene from a classroom, personal recording by Laurie Bellanca, 2013.

  • Ephésiel 6.18

    Pastor Olivier Derain, excerpt of the recording La prière et le parler en langue, 2005.

  • Espahor ledet ko uluner

    Mary-Ann Duganne Glicksman, excerpt of a reading of Espahor ledet ko uluner by Guy de Cointet, Centre Pompidou, 2013.

  • Est-ce qu'on bullshit exprès ?

    Sebastian Dieguez, Florian Delorme, excerpt of L'invité de Matins, France Culture, 2018.

  • Est-ce que vous avez rêvé ?

    Nicolas Bouvier, Pierre Stucki, excerpt from the scientific show Dimensions, RTS, 1975.

  • Est-ce que vous m’aimez ?

    Raymond Devos, excerpt of the film Pierrot le fou by Jean-Luc Godard, 1965.

  • Et ! le terrorisme

    Excerpt from a radicalization prevention training, personal recording, 2016.

  • Et comment ils sont cons

    Jean-Marc Lebihan, excerpt of a performance at the Aurillac Festival, 2013.

  • Et il y en a partout

    Excerpt from the TV program Faites entrer l’accusé, 2008

  • Et la traduction de Philippe

    Excerpt from a speech by La Barbe during a presentation for the Théâtre de L’Odéon’s upcoming productions, 2012.

  • Et le cul ouvert

    Serge Pey, excerpt of the recording L'Enfant archéologue, 2001.

  • Et nous on est tout petits

    Testimony of a teenager, Belgium, extract from the program "Les pieds sur Terre", France Culture, 2003.

  • Étrange, étrange, étrange

    Hallway conversation, personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2011.

  • Eu estou ficando louco

    Quarantine message posted on Whatsapp, 2020.

  • Eu tava comendo ela

    Excerpt of a Brazilian verbal joust, video posted on YouTube, 2000s.

  • Euh, I mean

    Frank Stella, extrait du film Painters Painting d'Emile de Antonio, 1972

  • Éveeuu

    Elissa Knight, Ben Burtt, excerpt from the film WALL-E by Andrew Stanton, 2008.

  • Even oysters have enemies

    Jack Nicholson, excerpt of a speech at the ATI ceremony, 2010.

  • Everybody must be loved

    Idi Amin Dada, excerpt from a Council of Ministers, 1970s.

  • Everywhere is war

    Sinéad O’Connor, excerpt of the Bob Dylan 30th anniversary concert, 1992.

  • Extase

    Georges Bégué, excerpt of the show Les Français parlent aux Français, Radio Londres, 1940-1944.

  • F.O.U.T.R.E.

    Message left on Martin Juvanon de Vachat's voicemail, 2017.

  • Fabienne Tabard

    Jean-Pierre Léaud, excerpt of the film Baisers volés by François Truffaut, 1968.

  • Faire baguette magique

    Jean-François Kahn, excerpt of the show Mots croisés, France 2, 2008.

  • Fais l'abeille

    Excerpt from a boxing training for children, YouTube, 2013.

  • Fais-lui mal au sac

    Boxing training, excerpt of a YouTube video.

  • Faites du bruit

    Richard Darbois, jingle for DJ, video posted on Youtube, 2000s.

  • Faut pas me troubler

    Gilles Deleuze, excerpt of a lecture at the University of Paris VIII-Vincennes, 1981.

  • Faut rester zen M. Guaino !

    Henri Guaino and Jérôme Guedj, excerpt of the show La Voix est libre, France 3, 2012.

  • Faut toucher Mogded

    Excerpt from a boxing training for children, YouTube, 2013.

  • Fejn gejt qalla

    Gamer commenting on his game, 2014.

  • Fils de pisse

    Voicemail message, 2019

  • Five time five

    Excerpt of a recital in class, unknown source.

  • Flash Gordon

    Hervé Bernard Omnes, excerpt of the documentary Flash Gordon, 2000s.

  • Flèche bras

    Majorette rehearsal, unknown source, 2000s.

  • Foncez, il n'y a aucun risque

    Les Inconnus, excerpt of the comedy sketch “La Bourse,” Antenne 2, 1991.

  • Force à eux

    Extract from a report presented by children, Jemidor TV, 2021.

  • Formation élémentaire

    Interview with a member of the military, excerpt of the show Sur les docks, France Culture, 2008.

  • Fortissimo

    Igor Stravinsky, excerpt of a rehearsal of Vorona.

  • Forty three with Amy now

    Auction at Christie's, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2008.

  • Fraisi Poney

    Fanny Charmont, radio commercial, the 2000s.

  • Franchissez la porte d'entrée

    Eric Maillet, excerpt of the sound art piece Attente du standard, Villa Arson, 1995.

  • Franz Biberkopf

    Günter Lamprecht, excerpt of the series Berlin Alexanderplatz by R. W. Fassbinder, 1979-1980.

  • Free you know spirit

    Excerpt of the show Lynch+Sound by Jeanne Robet, Arte Radio, 2007.

  • Fuck me

    Excerpt of the video Young Girls Share Cock, posted on YouPorn, 2010.

  • Fucking fuck fuck

    Dominic West and Wendell Pierce, excerpt of the show The Wire by David Simon and Ed Burns, 2002.

  • Fucking girls

    Excerpt of a Nirvana concert, 1989.

  • Fucking jump !

    Excerpt of the video “Yelling at cats,” posted on YouTube, 2006.

  • Gagner la scène

    Jacques Martin, excerpt of the show L'École des fans, France 2, 1990s.

  • Gare de Lyon

    Announcement in the Paris Metro, line 14, 2010.

  • Gary !

    Excerpt from « Gary Hemming, le vagabond des cimes », Une Histoire particulière, France Culture, 2020.

  • Gauchis et ciel

    Daniel Elena, copilot to Sebastien Loeb, excerpt of commentary on a driving session, Fafe Rally Sprint, 2012.

  • Get it Maggie

    Conversation with a piglet, YouTube video, 2009.

  • Getting fit 'n having fun

    Marie-Lou Retton, excerpt of Fantastic Family Fitness Fun Session, 2007.

  • Gimme an F

    Country Joe Mc Donald, excerpt from a concert at Woodstock, 1969.

  • Golazo

    Excerpt of soccer commentary, the 2000s.

  • Good boy !

    Talking dog, YouTube, the 2000s.

  • Good old-fashioned "cojones"

    Helen Mirren, excerpt of a presentation of Oscar nominees, 2008.

  • Gourmand comme une vieille chatte

    André Tubeuf, excerpt from the radio show André Tubeuf Mémoire, France Musique, 2021.

  • Grasshopper you're hot bud

    Scene from a masturbation session shared via webcam, XTube, 2004.

  • Green trees

    Charles Bukowski, excerpt of an interview, unknown date.

  • Guignol !

    Excerpt of a puppet theatre show, YouTube video, 2000s.

  • H24 sur l'terrain

    Freestyle, video posted on YouTube, 2009

  • Hallo Heribert

    Message posted on YouTube, 2013.

  • Hana, tul, set, net

    Recording by Erik Bullot for the film Glossolalie, 2005.

  • Hands up

    Efrim Menuck, excerpt of A Silver Mt. Zion concert in Finland, 2008.

  • He , abaliva !

    Carlo Bonomi, excerpt from the serial La linea by Osvaldo Cavandoli, RAI, 1971.

  • He hadn't been there before

    Cathy Berberian, excerpt of the piece Recital for Cathy by Luciano Berio and Kurt Weill, 1968-1972.

  • Hebs

    Rim-K, excerpt of the a capella version of “Banlieue” by Booba, 2005.

  • Help me shoot me

    Scene from a panicked airplane, YouTube video, 2009.

  • Here we go

    Cuba Gooding Jr., excerpt of his speech after receiving the Oscar for best supporting actor, 1997.

  • Here's your baby

    Video of a birth posted on YouTube, 2010.

  • Heureusement, il y a Renaud

    Frédéric Mitterrand, excerpt of the show Du côté de chez Fred, Antenne 2, 1989.

  • Hey you, don't watch that

    Madness, excerpt of the recording One Step Beyond, 1979.

  • Hold & Release

    Pierre Raymonde, excerpt of Erotic Aerobics by Pierre Raymonde and Bugs Bower, 1982.

  • Hooo !

    Shepherd’s call, excerpt of Le berger, la stagiaire et les moutons by Robin Hunzinger, Arte Radio, 2005.

  • Hop hop

    Excerpt of the recording Les Techniques de sommeil, unknown date.

  • Hot like a kettle

    Dizzy Rascal, excerpt of an a capella from Jus' a Rascal, 2003.

  • How do you take their energy ?

    Possessed child, excerpt from the recording Okkulte Stimmen, Recordings of Unseen Intelligences, 1905–2007.

  • Huuu !

    All-Blacks, pre-game ritual, 2010.

  • I am that I am

    Brion Gysin, excerpt from the compilation Mektoub: Recordings 1960-81, 1996

  • I come from...

    Amy Walker, excerpt of the video “21 Accents” posted on YouTube, 2008.

  • I cried my eyes out

    Mariah Carey, excerpt of an award speech at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, 2010.

  • I dupli u stranu

    Renata Sopek, excerpt of a gymnastics lesson on Croatian television, 2012.

  • I found nirvana

    Jill Bolte Taylor, excerpt of a TED talk, 2007.

  • I got you bro

    Teenager playing Fortnite, personal recording, 2018.

  • I gotta take this time

    Halle Berry, excerpt of her speech after receiving the Oscar for best actress, 2002.

  • I hear a sound of victory

    Paula White, excerpt from a preaching in support of the recount during the U.S. presidential election, 2020. 

  • I live for this

    Kristina Rose and Manuel Ferrara, excerpt of the film Kristina Rose Is Slutwoman, 2011.

  • I love being a girl

    Eve Ensler, excerpt of the TED Talk “Embrace Your Inner Girl,” 2009.

  • I murdered a rock

    Muhammad Ali, excerpt of a press conference, Kinshasa, 1974.

  • I need an officer at my house

    Excerpt of emergency phone call archives, United States, the 2000s.

  • I saw

    Sermon by a pastor in the United States, excerpt of Les Voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions orales, 1978

  • I scream for ice cream

    Roberto Benigni, Tom Waits, John Lurie, excerpt of the film Down by Law by Jim Jarmusch, 1986.

  • I shot Reagan

    Olivier Quintyn, excerpt of the bonus CD accompanying the journal Nioques 1.9/2.0, 2003.

  • I still love you

    Excerpt of the A & E show, A&E TV, 2010.

  • I wanna report a fight

    Joe Brandon, excerpt of his plea at the Madden trial, 2012.

  • I wanted you

    Laurie Anderson, excerpt of the album Big Science, 1982.

  • I was a typical Canadian

    Excerpt of a jihadist speech posted online, 2014.

  • I was a young boy

    Mike Tyson, excerpt of the film Tyson by James Toback, 2008.

  • I was ich war

    Michel Thomas, method for learning German, 1970s.

  • I would like to buy a hamburger

    Steve Martin et Charlotte Maier, excerpt of the film The Pink Panther by Shawn Levy, 2006.

  • I yield my time, fuck you !

    Speech at an Los Angeles Police Departement video conference, 2020.

  • I'm afraid too

    Reaction video posted on YouTube, 2008.

  • I'm from New York

    Dan Graham, excerpt of the film Dan Graham: Beyond by Anat Ebgi and Aaron Brewer, 2009.

  • I'm not a disgrace

    Scene from a family recorded on a phone, 2014.

  • I'm not a robot

    Excerpt of a dialogue between chatbots, Cornell’s Creative Machines Lab, 2011.

  • I'm not a threat

    Man protesting as he is threatened by police, YouTube, 2014.

  • I'm not happy with you

    Dialogue between parents and a child, YouTube, 2013.

  • I'm so sorry

    Philip Anselmo, excerpt of a message posted on YouTube, 2007.

  • I'm sorry that I'm a girl

    Altercation in a plane, video posted on YouTube, 2015.

  • I'm that nigger

    Saul Williams, excerpt of the film Slam by Marc Levin, 1998.

  • I, Barack Hussein Obama

    Barack Obama, excerpt of the presidential inauguration ceremony, 2009.

  • I, Charles Philip Arthur George

    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Windsor, and Diana Spencer, excerpt of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer’s marriage ceremony, 1981.

  • Ich hasse diesen Tag

    Monologue of a youtuber in her car, 2013

  • Ideas are beautiful

    David Lynch, excerpt from an interview with Hikari Takano, 2006

  • If only this one is ours

    Danez Smith, public reading of his poem Dear White America, 2014.

  • If you actually go there

    Michael Pitt, excerpt of the film Last Days by Gus Van Sant, 2005.

  • Ik vind het niet leuk

    Extract from a language course, YouTube, 2010

  • Il avait quarante-deux ans

    Léon Zitrone, excerpt from the news hour, FR3, 1980.

  • Il est tombé assez amoureux

    Dominique Bagouet, excerpt of an interview for television, 1988.

  • Il était ch'timi

    Speech at a retirement celebration, excerpt of the film Chers camarades by Gérard Vidal, 2004.

  • Il n'y a que des faux témoins

    Paule Thévenin, excerpt of the documentary La Véritable Histoire d'Artaud le Momo by Gérard Mordillat and Jérome Prieur, 1993.

  • Il s'appelle Gipsy

    Excerpt of a demonstration of how to play an instrument, 1970s.

  • Il va mourir

    Rachid Abou Houdeyfa, excerpt of Au cœur d'une tombe video posted on YouTube, 2012.

  • Il va y avoir un grand silence

    Message sent to a Whatsapp group during the strike against pension reform, 2020.

  • Ils arrivent par le RER

    Excerpt of the show Les Pieds sur terre, France Culture, 2016.

  • Ils étaient lourds

    Louis-Ferdinand Céline, excerpt of the show Lectures pour tous, ORTF, 1957.

  • In Principio

    Excerpt of A-Ronne by Luciano Berio, text by Edoardo Sanguineti, 1974.

  • Incarceration mutilation

    Lawrence Wiener, excerpt of the sound art piece Having Rolled Before Incarceration..., 1973.

  • Incroyable

    Excerpt from a soccer commentary, 2000s.

  • Inhale exhale

    Excerpt of a yoga class, 2010.

  • Is David Bowie here ?

    Nina Simone, excerpt of a concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival, 1974.

  • Is it physical

    Jeff Buckley, excerpt of an interview in Paris, 1990s.

  • It is the moment of truth

    Ted Lerner, introduction to the fight of Z. Gorres vs. Fernando Montie, 2007.

  • It's just too much

    Live commentary of a stock market crash, 2010.

  • It's your mother

    Voicemail message, 2008.

  • Itako no Kuchiyose

    Curse by an Itako shaman, recorded at the Osorezam festival, Japan, 1973.

  • J'ai appris hier

    Antonin Artaud, excerpt of the radio performance Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu, recorded for the RDF (but never broadcast), 1947.

  • J'ai un amour pour le verbe

    Excerpt of an interview with a Modem activist, personal recording by David Christoffel, 2007.

  • J'ai Youyou

    Afida Turner, excerpt of the show Les Anges de la téléréalité, NRJ12, 2010.

  • J'allais te tuer

    Teenager playing Fortnite, personal recording, 2018.

  • J'enclenche la fumée top

    "Musique blanche" from La Patrouille de France, YouTube video, 2013.

  • J'encule les punks

    Personal recording of Eve Couturier, 1979.

  • J'enrage

    Senator Jack Ralite, excerpt from a speech at a rally, 2014.

  • J'entends

    Young girl describing sounds, excerpt of a personal recording by Kerwin Rolland, 2010.

  • J'espère vraiment qu'ça va s'arrêter

    Jérôme, excerpt from the show Radio Tisto, l’émission des jeunes de l’hôpital de jour d’Antony, Radio Libertaire, 2020.

  • J'invite

    Charles de Gaulle, excerpt of the radio appeal of June 22, 1940.

  • J'me sens de plus en plus seule

    Alexandra Viau, excerpt of Alexandra, une lettre d'amour audio by Alexandra Viau and Cédric Chabuel, Arte Radio, 2003.

  • J'suis vert

    Party conversation, recording by Olivier Nourisson, 2000s.

  • Ja ja ja ja ja

    Joseph Beuys, excerpt of the performance Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee Nee Nee, Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1968.

  • Ja sam magnet za novac

    Video session of Emotional Freedom Technique, YouTube, 2013

  • Jaaaa !

    Park Soe-Joon, excerpt from a masterclass, video posted on Youtube, 2018.

  • Jauuuuuuune

    Guys playing Guitar Hero, video posted on YouTube, 2012.

  • Je bavarde toujours

    M. Liochon, excerpt of an interview, Le petit rapporteur, TF1, 1975.

  • Je crois que c'est arrivé

    Patrice Chéreau, excerpt of an interview during the news, Antenne 2, 1983.

  • Je dis bien d’danser

    Jean Perrigault, excerpt from a radio interview, 1949.

  • Je fais un temps

    Grégoire Monsaingeon, excerpt of a recording by Joris Lacoste and Jeanne Revel, 2005.

  • Je les écarte

    Maître Herzog, excerpt of a statement to the press just outside of the Clearstream trial, 2009.

  • Je m'appelle Sylvie Caspar

    Sylvie Caspar, excerpt of Sylvie, la voix d'Arte by Sylvain Gire and Christophe Rault, Arte Radio, 2002.

  • Je me demande

    Writing workshop scene, excerpt from Le Papotin, directed by Alexandre Plank for L’Atelier Fiction, France Culture, 2017.

  • Je me peigne

    Christophe Tarkos, poem recorded for the review Boxon, 1999

  • Je passe

    Excerpt of the show Questions pour un champion, unknown date.

  • Je sens ton souffle

    Jérémie Covillault, excerpt from the film Le Hobbit : un voyage inattendu by Peter Jackson, 2012.

  • Je suis le train

    Sylvie Noachovitch, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2007.

  • Je suis un pédé

    Gaël Morel, excerpt of the film Les Roseaux sauvages by André Téchiné, 1994.

  • Je suis une primaire

    Barbara, concert excerpt, unknown date.

  • Je t'aime

    Sylvie Caspar, excerpt of Lettre d'amour by Silvain Gire, Arte Radio, 2004.

  • Je vais chez ce cher Serge

    Scene from dinner, personal recording by Valérie Louys, 2013.

  • Je vais le rappeler

    Voicemail message, 2011. 

  • Je vis moi aussi

    Maître Rose-Marie Capitaine, excerpt of the documentary Cours d'assises, crimes et châtiments by Amal Moghaizel, 2008.

  • Je vous gratte le cul

    Brigitte Fontaine, excerpt of the show Des Croissants dans l'acide, Ouï FM, 2010.

  • Je vous remercie de vous

    Barbara, excerpt of a concert at the Olympia, Paris, 1978.

  • Jesteś mężem stanu

    Reciting of a poem by a child at official inauguration, Poland, 2011

  • Jouer le tir

    Commentary on the Women's Handball World Championship, RMC, 2017

  • Justice for the miners

    Speech by a protesting miner, excerpt of the recording Shoulder to Shoulder, 1985.

  • J’ai très envie de me résoudre

    André Manoukian, excerpt from the radio show Les routes de la musique, France Inter, 2016.

  • J’t’écoute frérot

    Extract from Le Morning, Radio Générations, 2019.

  • Kazoo speech

    Excerpt of City Lights by Charlie Chaplin, 1931.

  • Kili kili kili kolum

    Raoul Hausmann, excerpt of Phonèmes, 1956-1957.

  • Kom nå da

    Woman speaking to a goat, excerpt of a recording by Jeanne Robet, 2007.

  • Kombirkorm atsivest ?

    Prank call to a prostitute by a radio host, luthianian radio, 2014

  • Kot resilta ankèt la?

    Jean-Claude Bajeux, speech at Yves Volel's funeral, 1987.

  • Kumkumam

    Calculation challenge on a television game show, 2013.

  • L'après-midi ça s'envole

    Natalie Sbaï, Radio Télévision Suisse weather report, 2020.

  • L'argument de Saint Anselme

    Tristan Garcia, excerpt of the lecture Laisser être et rendre puissant, 2017.

  • L'arrivée du crabe mystique

    Nicolas Couturier, excerpt of a hypnosis account, recording by Joris Lacoste, 2005.

  • L'assiette jaune

    Stefan Rotenberg, excerpt of the show Top Chef, 2013.

  • L'avocat du diable

    Carlo Ginzburg, Francesca Isidori, excerpt of the show Affinités électives, France Culture, 2007.

  • L'éblouissement

    Les Pieds sur Terre, France Culture, 2010.
  • L'enfant du Coran

    Hasan bin Abdullah Al Awadh, ritual reading of the Coran, 2006.

  • L'epoxy 100% solide

    Frédéric Bourdon, excerpt from a promotional video, YouTube, 2013.

  • L'être d'un être

    Excerpt of the performance Le foyer/Le chœur by Gwénaël Morin, Théâtre de l'Élysée (Lyon), 2007.

  • L'Occident doutait

    Fabrice Luchini and Alain Finkielkraut, excerpt of the show Répliques, France Culture, 2011.

  • L'otage d'aucun clan

    Ségolène Royal, excerpt of a statement made after the first round of the French presidential elections, 2007.

  • La balle ou la tasse

    Dialogue between a neuro-psychologist and her patient, excerpt from the documentary Journey to the center of the brain, France Culture, 2018.

  • La bataille

    Colette Magny, excerpt of the recording Transit, 1975.

  • La cigarette des papes

    Friends having a conversation, personal recording, 2016.

  • La douce Anaïs

    Presentation during a dog show at the SPA, 2018.

  • La duperie de soi-même

    Jon Elster, excerpt of a lecture at the Collège de France, 2009.

  • La fête au pain d'épices

    Pierre Repp, excerpt of the comedy sketch “Les Crêpes,” 1960s.

  • La fonction du père

    Maud Mannoni, excerpt from the film Quartier Lacan by Emil Weiss, 2001

  • La joie !

    Excerpt from an evangelist preaching, 2019. 

  • La langue de tous les jours

    Helena Janeczek, excerpt of the show La Grande table, France Culture, 2019.

  • La mort

    Jacques Lacan, excerpt of a conference held at the University of Louvain, 1972.

  • La mort de Kim Jong-il

    Announcement of Kim Jong-Il’s death on North Korean Central Television, 2011.

  • La musique

    Anne Fagot-Largeault, excerpt of a lecture at the Collège de France, 2009.

  • La nuit des astres nus

    René Ghil, excerpt of Chant dans l'espace, Les Archives de la parole, 1913.

  • La pilule anti-odeur

    Excerpt of the show Le Troisième Quart du Siècle, Radio Canada, 1975.

  • La poésie c'est mon affaire

    Gérard Depardieu, excerpt of the film Uranus by Claude Berry, 1990.

  • La pomme-frite classique

    Claude Vega, excerpt of an impression of Louis de Funès, 1950s.

  • La Pomponnette

    Raimu, excerpt of the film La Femme du boulanger by Marcel Pagnol, 1938.

  • La pontire

    Louis de Funès and Denise Provence, excerpt of the film Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob by Gérard Oury, 1973.

  • La question est tellement bonne

    Raphaël Enthoven and Michael Edwards, excerpt of the show Les Nouveaux chemins de la connaissance, 2009.

  • La R de Raquel

    Excerpt of the television gameshow La ruleta de la suerte, Spanish television, 2010.

  • La ronde des mots

    Bernard Pivot, excerpt of La Dictée d'Amiens, 2005.

  • La soupe à la tomate

    Marc Labrèche and Anne Dorval, excerpt of the series Le Cœur a ses raisons by Marc Brunet, TVA, 2000s.

  • La vieille antienne

    Dominique Strauss-Khan, excerpt of a televised debate, 2005.

  • La voix mystère

    Didier Gustin, excerpt of the recording La Voix mystère, 1989.

  • Lâcher les élastiques

    Jean-Luc Delarue, excerpt of an interview on RTL, 2009.

  • Lafaard

    Altercation in a family shelter, Holland, 2012

  • Laisse mon mari tranquille

    Extract from an episode of a Nollywood series, 2019. 

  • Lala land

    Jill Bolte-Taylor, excerpt of a Ted Talk, 2007.

  • Le bras trop long

    Léon Zitrone, excerpt from the show Intervilles, ORTF, 1962.

  • Le carrefour Mabillon

    Georges Perec, excerpt of the radio essay Tentative de description de choses vues au carrefour Mabillon le 19 mai 1978, France Culture, 1978.

  • Le côté tragique de La Fontaine

    Fabrice Luchini and Alain Finkielkraut, excerpt of the show Répliques, France Culture, 2011.

  • Le côté, l'enfance

    Patrick Modiano, excerpt of the show Un Siècle d’écrivain, France 3, 1996.

  • Le coup de foudre du mépris

    Jean-Louis Bory, excerpt of the show Le Masque et la Plume, France Inter, 1963.

  • Le crétinisme

    Excerpt of the film Les Invasions Barbares by Denys Arcand, 2002.

  • Le cri qui va dedans

    Eyesea, excerpt of the a cappella version of “Phobohunt,” YouTube, 2009.

  • Le foncier

    Excerpt of the film Biquefarre by Georges Rouquier, 1974.

  • Le grand joueur du monde

    Sankara de Kunta, interview with Zinedine Zidane, excerpt from Scud de Werra, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2009.

  • Le jeudi 8 mars

    Excerpt of the film Mesrine by Jean-François Richet, 2008.

  • Le lac

    Maria Casarès, excerpt of Les 25 plus beaux poèmes de la langue française, 1960s.

  • Le luxe

    Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, excerpt of the film 6 Bagatelas by Pedro Costa and Thierry Lounas, 2001.

  • Le mot grelot me rend fou

    Alain Finkielkraut and Fabrice Luchini, excerpt of the show Répliques, France Culture, 2011.

  • Le nègre il t'emmerde

    Audrey Pulvar, excerpt of the radio show A rebrousse poil', France Inter, 2010.

  • Le personnage de Anna

    Juliette Binoche and Michel Boujout, excerpt of the show Cinéma cinémas, Antenne 2, 1986.

  • Le petit bidon

    Christophe Tarkos, Le petit bidon, Centre Pompidou, 1999.

  • Le pied sur la ficelle

    Excerpt of a street show, personal recording, 2015.

  • Le poète parle

    Alfred Cortot, excerpt of a filmed piano lesson, 1961.

  • Le pore Firmin

    Marius Champailler, excerpt of the story “Les Corbeaux” in Franco-Provençal, recording by J.B. Martin, F. Charpigny, and A.M. Genouiller, Aix-en-Provence, 1986.

  • Le rossignol d'Aznavour

    Jacky Bernard and Fernand Raynaud, excerpt of the recording Les secrets du music-hall dévoilés par Jacky Bernard published by Fernand Raynaud, 1965.

  • Le sac est lourd

    Excerpt of the news report “Les commandos du renseignement de l'Armée française,” France 5, 2013.

  • Le seigneur soit avec vous

    Catholic liturgy, excerpt of the show La Messe, France Culture, 2011.

  • Le shaga

    Marguerite Duras, excerpt of an interview with Lucien Attoun, 1968.

  • Le silence nous opprime

    David Wampach, Sabine Macher, Marie-Thérèse Allier, recording by Sabine Macher, 2011.

  • Le soufflé

    Conversation with friends, excerpt of a personal recording by Esther Salmona, 2009.

  • Le suicide est le seul acte

    Jacques Lacan, excerpt of the film Télévision by Benoît Jacquot, 1973.

  • Le Théâtre-Texte

    Laurent Terzieff, excerpt of the show La Nuit des Molières, France 2, 1988.

  • Le tissu de l'âme

    Gilles Deleuze, excerpt of a lecture on Leibniz, 1986.

  • Le ton de la mineur

    Valérie Duchâteau, excerpt of the recording Méthode de guitare classique, 1997.

  • Le zouk gingembre

    Excerpt of a dance class, video posted on YouTube, 1990s.

  • Leave Britney Alone

    Chris Crocker, excerpt of the video “Leave Britney alone,” posted on YouTube, 2007.

  • Lera

    Video about creating a declaration of love, YouTube, 2013.

  • Les carottes sont cuites

    Philippe Chaine, François Christophe, recording of a jingle for a radio show, excerpt from the book Rouge Micro de Temps Machine, Diaphane Éditions, 2013.

  • Les crasseux, les drogués

    Coluche, excerpt of a speech presenting his running in the presidential election, 1981.

  • Les fesses plombées 

    Excerpt of the documentary La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet by Frederick Wiseman, 2009.

  • Les français sont étonnants

    Christophe Alévêque, excerpt of the show On n'est pas couché, France 2, 2007.

  • Les gens

    Hallway conversation, personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2010.

  • Les joies du direct

    Evelyne Thomas, excerpt of the show Y'a une solution à tout, Direct8, 2009.

  • Les jours s'en vont, je demeure

    Guillaume Apollinaire, recitation of Le pont Mirabeau, Les Archives de la parole, 1913.

  • Les oreilles apparentes

    Photomaton's instructions, personal recording, 2017.

  • Les outils

    Claude Royet-Journoud, excerpt of a reading of Théorie des prépositions at the cipM (Marseille), 2008.

  • Les problèmes de la jeunesse

    Daniel Balavoine, François Mitterrand, excerpt of the Midi2 news hour, Antenne 2, 1980.

  • Les Provinciales

    Henri Guillemin, excerpt of the show En appel about Blaise Pascal, RTS, 1972.

  • Les silences sont parlants, hein

    Patricia Martin, Jean-Marc Four, Pierrick Bolnau, Cyril Grasiani, excerpt of the 7-9am weekend news hour, France Inter, 2014.

  • Les singes écuyers

    Circus advertisement, personal recording, 2014.

  • Les stations

    Announcements in the Paris metro, personal recording, 2018.

  • Les tickets du palais des mirages

    Alain Robbe-Grillet, excerpt of the show Le Roman du nouveau roman, France Culture, 2007.

  • Let's get ready to rumble

    Michael Buffer, introduction to the fight of George Foreman vs. Shannon Briggs, 1997.

  • Let's go it's Uno

    Excerpt of a YouTube video, 2011.

  • Libérez les animaux

    Stéphane Bern, Alexis Grüss, an activist, excerpt of the show Le Fou du roi, France Inter, 2008.

  • Lift weight !

    Weightlifting parody, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2012.

  • Like a pinball

    Felicia Pearson, excerpt of the show The Wire, 2007.

  • Like you were talking

    Maria Callas and Barbara Shuttleworth, excerpt of a recording of a masterclass at the Julliard School, 1971.

  • Little Ivy

    Molly Roth, excerpt of the record Plant Talk, 1976.

  • Loof and let dime

    Robert Wilson, excerpt of a reading of poems by Christopher Knowles, 1999.

  • Louanges d'Allah

    Prayer in Kenya, excerpt of Les Voix du monde : une anthologie des expressions vocales, year unknown.

  • Loupiote

    Scene from Paris at night, personal recording, 2013.

  • Lowie me disait

    Claude Levi-Strauss and Georges Charbonnier, excerpt of Grands Entretiens, France Culture, 1959.

  • Lucien de Batempré rame

    Michel Leeb, excerpt of the comedy sketch “La Ponctuation,” 1984.

  • Lüüüül lüüüül

    Jacques Villeret and Louis de Funès, excerpt of the film La Soupe aux choux by Jean Girault, 1981.

  • Ma douleur aujourd'hui

    Gérard Lanvin, Benoît Poelvoorde, excerpt of the show Le 23-15, France 2, 2002.

  • Ma voix coronavirus

    Message posted on WhatsApp, 2020.

  • Ma3ame3 A3maki

    Poetry reading on Egyptian television, 2012.

  • Mademoiselle

    Arletty, excerpt of the show Le jeu du téléphone, 1960s.

  • Mais dites-moi, c'est vigousse

    Maïté and Micheline, excerpt of the show La Cuisine des mousquetaires, FR3, 1992.

  • Mais il y a des vilains peut-être

    Street Scene, excerpts from the documentary On the Edge of the World, Claude Drexel, Arte, 2014.

  • Mais les Gibis pourront-ils ?

    Claude Piéplu, excerpt of the cartoon Les Shadoks by Jacques Roussel, 1968.

  • Mais vous parlez

    Bernard Blier, Daniel Prévost, Pierre Repp, Pierre Richard, and Pierre Tornade, excerpt of the film Je sais rien mais je dirai tout, 1973.

  • Malou Bomboka M Midi

    Advertisement for the opening of a restaurant, video posted on YouTube, 2017

  • Maman

    Scene from a waiting room, personal recording by Olivier Normand, 2010.

  • Marthe

    Arletty, conversation taken from the recording Entretien avec Marc Laudelout, 1982.

  • Martin Schultz

    Daniel Cohn-Bendit, excerpt of an appearance at the European Parliament, 2010.

  • Me ! me ! me ! me ! me !

    Excerpt of a language class, YouTube video, 2011.

  • Me fui tranquila

    Doctora Bertha Elena Muñoz Mier, post-mortem message, 2013.

  • Medal wa mieta

    Excerpt of the 800-meter freestyle swimming final at the Athens Olympics, NHK, 2004.

  • Mēmā kliedzienā

    Excerpt form an anti-abortion video, Latvia, 2009

  • Mer agitée, des pluies

    Marie-Pierre Planchon, excerpt from La météo marine, France Inter, 2009. 

  • Merci

    Jane Birkin, excerpt of the live album Arabesques, 2002.

  • Merry christmas

    Excerpt from a choir rehearsal, personal recording, 2018.

  • Mes bananes

    Scene from a market, excerpt of a recording by Manuel Coursin, 2007.

  • Mes chiffres

    Michel Rocard, excerpt of the show La Marche du siècle, FR3, 1996.

  • Mes clefs

    Jérôme Mauche, message left on Nicolas Rollet’s voicemail, 2008.

  • Mesdames et messieurs

    Jacques Chirac, excerpt of the presidential inauguration speech, 1995.

  • Messi, Messi, Messi

    Josep Maria Puyal, excerpt from a soccer commentary, Catalunya Ràdio, 2007.

  • Messieurs et madame

    Excerpt of a speech by the mayor of Essakane, Mali, 2007.

  • Mh hm

    Marie Lechner, Frédéric Kerk, excerpt from an interview on radio informal, 2020.

  • Mic check

    Excerpt of a meeting held during Occupy Wall Street, 2011.

  • Michael Jackson !

    Michael Jackson, excerpt of the MJ & Friends concert in Munich, 1999.

  • Microphone à ruban

    Pierre Schaeffer, excerpt of a demonstration, unknown source.

  • Miel de mimosa

    Conversation, excerpt of a personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2010.

  • Mil euros

    Drawing of the Sorteo de Navidad, Christmas lottery, 2014.

  • Milion

    Roman Opalka, excerpt of the recording 1965/1-∞, 1977.

  • Million Staline

    Excerpt of the ASSIMIL method for learning Russian, unknown date.

  • Minez vos nations mi mais do

    Gherasim Luca, reading of the poem “Passionnément”, 1986. 

  • Miss Honey

    Moi Renee, excerpt of the performance Miss Honey, 1992.

  • Mme Von Almen ?

    Zouc, excerpt of the comedy sketch Le Téléphone, 1977.

  • Moi j'évite les miroirs

    Richard Fontana, excerpt of La Nuit juste avant les forêts by Bernard-Marie Koltès, staged by Jean-Luc Boutté, 1981.

  • Moi j'penserai

    Excerpt of a rehearsal of the Encyclopédie’s choir, personal recording by Olivier Normand, 2010.

  • Moi, je suis Cooky

    Philippe and Cooky, excerpt of a ventriloquist comedy sketch, unknown source.

  • Moi, président de la République

    François Hollande, excerpt of the presidential debate held between the two rounds of France’s presidential elections, France 2, 2012.

  • Mon côté sportif

    Jean-Marie Bigard, excerpt of the comedy sketch “Le lâcher de salopes,” 2001.

  • Mon livret de Caisse d'Épargne

    Scene from a police station, excerpt of the film Faits divers, Raymond Depardon, 1982.

  • Mon Maître, mon Roi !

    Scene from the metro, personal recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2010.

  • Mon p'tit piano

    Henriette Coulouvrat, Anne Sinclair, excerpt of the show Megahertz, TF1, 1980s.

  • Mon père

    Charles Pennequin, excerpt of a reading at the Centre Pompidou, 2000.

  • Monsieur Hollande

    Dominique de Villepin, excerpt of a speech at the French National Assembly, 2006.

  • Monster

    Nicki Minaj, excerpt of Kanye West’s album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, 2010.

  • Morra! Morra!

    Excerpt of a game of cards, Italy, 2011.

  • Mortacrédit'

    Reading of Céline by a non-francophone Russian speaker, from a personal recording by Cédric Anglaret, 2000s.

  • Moses supposes

    Excerpt from the film Singin’ in the Rain by Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly, 1952. 

  • Mots norvégiens

    Ingrid Berg, exercises for practicing Norwegian pronunciation, Les Archives de la parole, 1912.

  • Mr Bojangles

    Lucinda Childs, excerpt of the opera Einstein on the Beach by Philip Glass and Robert Wilson, 1976.

  • Muscle ton jeu, Robert

    Aimé Jacquet, excerpt of the film Les yeux dans les bleus, 1998.

  • Mustapha Bakri

    Speech to the Egyptian Parliament, 2013.