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<p>Accompanied by luminous objects, two performers take children on an exploratory journey through the sounds and movements of speech. The show unfolds through a succession of activities, recognizable by their musicality in any language. Playing with children's capacity for wonder, the show frees itself from the conventional linear narrative to present a kind of concert in which words offer a multitude of sounds and turn into building blocks for composing musical scores.</p>\r\n ◀<p>Accompanied by luminous objects, two performers take children on an exploratory journey through the sounds and movements of speech. The show unfolds through ▶
<p>“Oh, what’s that?” - which child has not said these words when encountering a new event or object? Whether they have begun to speak or not, toddlers and young children’s natural curiosity, openness and attentiveness to everything around them is limitless. Whether they are asking for something, describing a scene, telling a story, interacting with animals or simulating battles, language is an entry point to the simple events that make up their world. As they learn to produce and repeat sounds over and over again just for the sheer pleasure of it, the discovery and use of language also becomes an opportunity to explore their physical body and vocal instrument. This show echoes these qualities of wonder and delight at recognizing, questioning and reproducing sounds.</p>\r\n ◀<p>“Oh, what’s that?” - which child has not said these words when encountering a new event or object? Whether they have begun to speak or not, toddlers and youn ▶
<p>A vibrant, luminous set design accompanies the sounds to bring speech to life on stage or to draw out an emotion using different colours. Deploying their bodies and voices through the space, the actors develop a dynamic soundscape and create a choreographed spectacle that oscillates between representing ordinary and extraordinary situations. An immersive interplay between sounds, colours and movement which is intimately tied to the speech and sound recordings that were used to compose the show.</p>\r\n ◀<p>A vibrant, luminous set design accompanies the sounds to bring speech to life on stage or to draw out an emotion using different colours. Deploying their bod ▶
<p><strong>Conception </strong>Encyclopédie de la parole<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Composition</strong> Nicolas Rollet</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Direction </strong>Raffaella Gardon</p>\r\n
<p><strong>With</strong> Daniel Collados Blasco et Raffaella Gardon<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Dramaturgy </strong>Caroline Masini</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Stage design</strong> Antonin Heck<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Light design</strong> Jérôme Dejean<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Costumes</strong> Caroline Denquin<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Choreography</strong> Inés Hernández<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Technical management on tour</strong> Alice Marin or Marie-Jeanne Assayag Lion</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Administration and production</strong> Edwige Dousset</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Production and distribution</strong> Garance Crouillère</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Tours </strong>Solène Lemoine</p>\r\n
<p><strong>©</strong><b> </b>deniseoliverfierro</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Production</strong> Echelle 1:1 (company subsidized by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Île-de-France and by the Conseil régional d'île-de-France)</p>\r\n ◀<p><strong>Production</strong> Echelle 1:1 (company subsidized by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Île-de-France and by the Conseil r ▶
<p><strong>Coproduction</strong> Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN - Lyon, Am Stram Gram - Centre international de création, partenaire de l'enfance et la jeunesse - Genève, Théâtre Molière de Sète - scène nationale Archipel de Thau, Théâtre Paris Villette, Le Sémaphore Théâtre Port-de-Bouc, Théâtre d’Angoulême - scène nationale, Théâtre L’Eclat Pont-Audemer, Le Volcan - Scène nationale du Havre</p>\r\n ◀<p><strong>Coproduction</strong> Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN - Lyon, Am Stram Gram - Centre international de création, partenaire de l'enfance et la je ▶
<p><strong>With the support of </strong>La Couveuse 2024, City of Gennevilliers and Théâtre Paris-Villette<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
This text was a laureate for the National Funding for Assisting the Creation of Dramatic Texts -Artcena<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Duration</strong> 38 minutes<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<b>Administration, production & distribution</b> Edwige Dousset - +33 (0)6 13 43 11 29 -<a href="mailto:administration@echelle1-1.org">administration@echelle1-1.org</a></p>\r\n ◀<b>Administration, production & distribution</b> Edwige Dousset - +33 (0)6 13 43 11 29 -<a href="mailto:administration@echelle1-1.org">administration@e ▶
"summary" => ""
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<p>Deux interprètes, accompagnés d’objets lumineux, emmènent les enfants dans un voyage exploratoire des sons et des mouvements de la parole. Son déroulement s’appuie sur une succession d’activités, reconnaissables par leur musicalité quelle que soit la langue utilisée. Jouant avec la capacité d’émerveillement des enfants, le spectacle s’affranchit d’un impératif narratif linéaire et propose une forme de concert où les paroles sont autant de possibilités de composer des partitions.</p>\r\n ◀<p>Deux interprètes, accompagnés d’objets lumineux, emmènent les enfants dans un voyage exploratoire des sons et des mouvements de la parole. Son déroulemen ▶
<p>« Oh c’est quoi ça ? » Quel enfant n’a jamais dit cela face à un événement ou un nouvel objet ? La curiosité, l’ouverture des tout petits - qu’ils sachent parler ou pas - et l’attention qu’ils portent à ce qui les entoure, sont immenses. La découverte et l’usage du langage se vit chez eux à la fois comme une porte d’entrée sur la compréhension des événements simples de leur monde (demander quelque chose, décrire un paysage, raconter une histoire, s’adresser à un animal, simuler une bataille..), mais aussi comme une occasion d’explorer leur corps sonore : produire des sons et les répéter à tue-tête pour le plaisir du son lui-même. Le spectacle s’appuie sur cette qualité d’émerveillement et de plaisir à reconnaître, à interroger et à reproduire.</p>\r\n ◀<p>« Oh c’est quoi ça ? » Quel enfant n’a jamais dit cela face à un événement ou un nouvel objet ? La curiosité, l’ouverture des tout petits - qu’ils sache ▶
<p>Une installation lumineuse et colorée permet d’accompagner les sons par des couleurs et donne ainsi une ambiance à la parole ou en souligne une émotion. Les comédiens jouent avec leur corps et leur voix dans l’espace, développant une dynamique du son et créant ainsi une chorégraphie faisant apparaître à la fois des situations extraordinaires ou quotidiennes. Un va-et-vient interactif entre sons, couleurs et gestes, intimement lié aux paroles composant l’écriture de la pièce.</p>\r\n ◀<p>Une installation lumineuse et colorée permet d’accompagner les sons par des couleurs et donne ainsi une ambiance à la parole ou en souligne une émotion. L ▶
<p><strong>Conception </strong>Encyclopédie de la parole<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Composition </strong>Nicolas Rollet<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Mise en scène </strong>Raffaella Gardon<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Interprétation </strong>Daniel Collados Blasco et Raffaella Gardon<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Dramaturgie</strong> Caroline Masini<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Scénographie </strong>Antonin Heck<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Lumière</strong> Jérôme Dejean</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Costumes</strong> Caroline Denquin</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Regard chorégraphique</strong> Inés Hernández</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Régie générale en tournée</strong> Alice Marin ou Marie-Jeanne Assayag Lion</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Administration et production </strong>Edwige Dousset<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Production et diffusion </strong>Garance Crouillère</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Assistées de</strong> Solène Lemoine<br />\r\n
<br />\r\n
<strong>Avec l’aide de</strong> La Couveuse 2024</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Production </strong>Echelle 1:1 (compagnie conventionnée par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Ile-de-France et soutenue par le Conseil Régional d’Île-de-France)<br />\r\n ◀<p><strong>Production </strong>Echelle 1:1 (compagnie conventionnée par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Ile-de-France et soutenue par ▶
<br />\r\n
<strong>Coproduction </strong><br />\r\n
Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN - Lyon, Am Stram Gram - Centre international de création, partenaire de l'enfance et la jeunesse - Genève, Théâtre Molière de Sète - scène nationale Archipel de Thau, Théâtre Paris Villette, Théâtre d’Angoulême - scène nationale, Théâtre L’Eclat Pont- Audemer, Le Sémaphore Théâtre Port-de-Bouc, Le Volcan - Scène nationale du Havre.</p>\r\n ◀Théâtre Nouvelle Génération CDN - Lyon, Am Stram Gram - Centre international de création, partenaire de l'enfance et la jeunesse - Genève, Théâtre Molie ▶
<p><strong>Avec le soutien de</strong> la Ville de Gennevilliers et du Théâtre Paris-Villette</p>\r\n
<p><em>Ce texte est lauréat de l’Aide à la création de textes dramatiques - ARTCENA</em></p>\r\n
<p><strong>Remerciements</strong> à Drahi X, Centre pour l’innovation de L’Ecole Polytechnique, pour le développement des prototypes de la scénographie</p>\r\n ◀<p><strong>Remerciements</strong> à Drahi X, Centre pour l’innovation de L’Ecole Polytechnique, pour le développement des prototypes de la scénographie</p>\r ▶
<p><b>Création</b> le 18 janvier 2024 au Théâtre Molière de Sète - scène nationale Archipel de Thau</p>\r\n
<p><strong>©</strong><b> </b>deniseoliverfierro</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Durée</strong> 38 minutes</p>\r\n
<p><b>Administration, production & diffusion</b> Edwige Dousset - +33 (0)6 13 43 11 29 -<a href="mailto:administration@echelle1-1.org">administration@echelle1-1.org</a></p>\r\n ◀<p><b>Administration, production & diffusion</b> Edwige Dousset - +33 (0)6 13 43 11 29 -<a href="mailto:administration@echelle1-1.org">administration@e ▶
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#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.uid"
#status: true
#uuid: "b5d11ae7-9650-4a73-a18f-5f992725ee6d"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
#dependencies: array:1 [▶
"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
#isSyncing: false
#id: "node.page.uid"
#field_name: "uid"
#field_type: "entity_reference"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Écrit par"
#description: "Le nom d'utilisateur de l'auteur du contenu."
#settings: array:2 [▶
"handler" => "default"
"handler_settings" => []
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner"
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"title" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1229 ▶
#definition: array:9 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1230 ▶
#string: "Title"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"required" => true
"translatable" => true
"revisionable" => true
"display" => array:2 [▶
"view" => array:1 [▶
"options" => array:3 [▶
"label" => "hidden"
"type" => "string"
"weight" => -5
"form" => array:2 [▶
"options" => array:2 [▶
"type" => "string_textfield"
"weight" => -5
"configurable" => true
"provider" => "node"
"field_name" => "title"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1231 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:string"
"settings" => array:3 [▶
"max_length" => 255
"is_ascii" => false
"case_sensitive" => false
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1229}
#type: "string"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"created" => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride {#1291 ▶
#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
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#status: true
#uuid: "964f2ec4-0eb2-4ebd-9cd5-a95ae2bb5ce3"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
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"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
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#field_name: "created"
#field_type: "created"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Écrit le"
#description: "L'heure à laquelle le nœud a été créé."
#settings: []
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"changed" => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride {#1292 ▶
#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
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0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
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#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
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-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
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"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
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#field_type: "changed"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Modifié"
#description: "Le moment auquel le nœud a été modifié pour la dernière fois."
#settings: []
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"promote" => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride {#1293 ▶
#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
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0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
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#status: true
#uuid: "f2be9845-c68a-4c08-b389-bd7b9f9ea6fa"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
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"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
#isSyncing: false
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#field_name: "promote"
#field_type: "boolean"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Promu en page d'accueil"
#description: ""
#settings: array:2 [▶
"on_label" => "Activé"
"off_label" => "Désactivé"
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => 0
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"sticky" => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride {#1294 ▶
#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.sticky"
#status: true
#uuid: "fdde71f7-be2e-4708-baf6-fd9e981c4956"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
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"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
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#field_name: "sticky"
#field_type: "boolean"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Epinglé en haut des listes"
#description: ""
#settings: array:2 [▶
"on_label" => "Activé"
"off_label" => "Désactivé"
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => 0
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"default_langcode" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1250 ▶
#definition: array:9 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1251 ▶
#string: "Default translation"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1252 ▶
#string: "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"translatable" => true
"revisionable" => true
"default_value" => array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => true
"provider" => "node"
"field_name" => "default_langcode"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1253 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:boolean"
"settings" => array:2 [▶
"on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1254 ▶
#string: "On"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1255 ▶
#string: "Off"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1250}
#type: "boolean"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"revision_default" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1256 ▶
#definition: array:10 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1257 ▶
#string: "Default revision"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1258 ▶
#string: "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"storage_required" => true
"internal" => true
"translatable" => false
"revisionable" => true
"provider" => "node"
"field_name" => "revision_default"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1259 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:boolean"
"settings" => array:2 [▶
"on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1260 ▶
#string: "On"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1261 ▶
#string: "Off"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1256}
#type: "boolean"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"revision_translation_affected" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1262 ▶
#definition: array:9 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1263 ▶
#string: "Revision translation affected"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1264 ▶
#string: "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"read-only" => true
"revisionable" => true
"translatable" => true
"provider" => "node"
"field_name" => "revision_translation_affected"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1265 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:boolean"
"settings" => array:2 [▶
"on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1266 ▶
#string: "On"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1267 ▶
#string: "Off"
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#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1262}
#type: "boolean"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"metatag" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1268 ▶
#definition: array:10 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1269 ▶
#string: "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1270 ▶
#string: "The computed meta tags for the entity."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"computed" => true
"translatable" => true
"read-only" => true
"entity_type" => "node"
"cardinality" => -1
"provider" => "metatag"
"field_name" => "metatag"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1271 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:metatag_computed"
"settings" => []
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1268}
#type: "metatag_computed"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"path" => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride {#1295 ▶
#entityTypeId: "base_field_override"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.path"
#status: true
#uuid: "d4eb06d8-dbee-40f0-b1d6-dc777a484a3a"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
#dependencies: array:2 [▶
"config" => array:1 [▶
0 => "node.type.page"
"module" => array:1 [▶
0 => "path"
#isSyncing: false
#id: "node.page.path"
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#field_type: "path"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Alias d'URL"
#description: ""
#settings: []
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#baseFieldDefinition: null
+original: ? Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride
"menu_link" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1275 ▶
#definition: array:12 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1276 ▶
#string: "Menu link"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1277 ▶
#string: "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"revisionable" => true
"class" => "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList"
"translatable" => true
"internal" => true
"display" => array:2 [▶
"view" => array:1 [▶
"options" => array:2 [▶
"label" => "hidden"
"region" => "hidden"
"form" => array:1 [▶
"options" => array:1 [▶
"region" => "hidden"
"computed" => true
"provider" => "token"
"field_name" => "menu_link"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1278 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:entity_reference"
"settings" => array:3 [▶
"target_type" => "menu_link_content"
"handler" => "default"
"handler_settings" => []
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1275}
#type: "entity_reference"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"content_translation_source" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1279 ▶
#definition: array:10 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1280 ▶
#string: "Translation source"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1281 ▶
#string: "The source language from which this translation was created."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"default_value" => array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => "und"
"initial_value" => array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => "und"
"revisionable" => true
"translatable" => true
"provider" => "content_translation"
"field_name" => "content_translation_source"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1282 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:language"
"settings" => []
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1279}
#type: "language"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"content_translation_outdated" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1283 ▶
#definition: array:10 [▶
"label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1284 ▶
#string: "Translation outdated"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1285 ▶
#string: "A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated."
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"default_value" => array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => false
"initial_value" => array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => false
"revisionable" => true
"translatable" => true
"provider" => "content_translation"
"field_name" => "content_translation_outdated"
"entity_type" => "node"
"bundle" => null
#typedDataManager: null
#itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#1286 ▶
#definition: array:2 [▶
"type" => "field_item:boolean"
"settings" => array:2 [▶
"on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1287 ▶
#string: "On"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
"off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1288 ▶
#string: "Off"
#arguments: []
#translatedMarkup: null
#options: []
#stringTranslation: null
#typedDataManager: null
#fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#1283}
#type: "boolean"
#propertyDefinitions: null
#schema: null
#indexes: []
"body" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#1296 ▶
#entityTypeId: "field_config"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.body"
#status: true
#uuid: "ec996833-2fb0-4940-8b07-dbe906d1986c"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
#dependencies: array:2 [▶
"config" => array:2 [▶
0 => "field.storage.node.body"
1 => "node.type.page"
"module" => array:1 [▶
0 => "text"
#isSyncing: false
#id: "node.page.body"
#field_name: "body"
#field_type: "text_with_summary"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Body"
#description: ""
#settings: array:2 [▶
"display_summary" => true
"required_summary" => false
#required: false
#translatable: true
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#deleted: false
+original: ? Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
"field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#1297 ▶
#entityTypeId: "field_config"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
#cacheContexts: array:2 [▶
0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil"
#status: true
#uuid: "b2fd8b5b-fad7-46dc-8672-9a2eb27b80be"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
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"config" => array:2 [▶
0 => "field.storage.node.field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil"
1 => "node.type.page"
#isSyncing: false
#id: "node.page.field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil"
#field_name: "field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil"
#field_type: "boolean"
#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
#label: "Afficher en page d'acceuil"
#description: ""
#settings: array:2 [▶
"on_label" => "Activé"
"off_label" => "Désactivé"
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: array:1 [▶
0 => array:1 [▶
"value" => 0
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
#constraints: []
#propertyConstraints: []
#deleted: false
+original: ? Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
"field_documents_lies" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#1298 ▶
#entityTypeId: "field_config"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
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0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
#cacheMaxAge: -1
#_serviceIds: []
#_entityStorages: []
#originalId: "node.page.field_documents_lies"
#status: true
#uuid: "7addaf60-cafd-4038-aed7-6928cf8fdeb2"
-isUninstalling: false
#langcode: "fr"
#third_party_settings: []
#_core: []
#trustedData: false
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"config" => array:3 [▶
0 => "field.storage.node.field_documents_lies"
1 => "node.type.enregistrement"
2 => "node.type.page"
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#entity_type: "node"
#bundle: "page"
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#settings: array:2 [▶
"handler" => "default:node"
"handler_settings" => array:4 [▶
"target_bundles" => array:1 [▶
"enregistrement" => "enregistrement"
"sort" => array:1 [▶
"field" => "_none"
"auto_create" => false
"auto_create_bundle" => ""
#required: false
#translatable: false
#default_value: []
#default_value_callback: ""
#fieldStorage: null
#itemDefinition: null
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#propertyConstraints: []
#deleted: false
+original: ? Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig
"field_domain_access" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#1299 ▶
#entityTypeId: "field_config"
#enforceIsNew: null
#typedData: null
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0 => "url.site"
1 => "languages:language_interface"
#cacheTags: []
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