100 drops
Klaus Groh, excerpt of the sound poem Voooxing Poooêtre, 1982.
Spacing | Occurs when speech gives way to silence or absence. Spacing can refer to the gaps formed by accidental interruptions, by the indexation of speech to an external event, or to rhetorical strategies used to cut up, establish, and strengthen one’s discourse.
We are having a conversation: I let you speak; you let me answer. This is the clearest example of spacing created by the alternation of speakers exchanging words, as in this telephone conversation. But spacing is above all a process, and often a resource, that takes place within the flux of speech: we search for words, we recall ideas, we punctuate sentences, we draw blanks. To solely associate spacing to the negative ideas of “silence” or, worse, “emptiness,” would be to underestimate its richness and creativity: often, spacing is also what is being said.
Spacing is a resource that helps structure magisterial speech. Anne Fagot-Largeault’s pauses in a class at the Collège de France punctuate and highlight certain utterances, in much the same way as those of Jacques Vergès do in his plea at Klaus Barbie’s trial. The poet Henri Chopin cuts his words into very short segments, and in this Catholic sermon, it is the regularity of spacing which paces the priest’s speech and underscores his desire for clarity (see also Tu es mon autre). This formal cutting-up of speech can also be seen in the reading of a statement between two rounds of the French presidential election, or in this poem by Claude Royet-Journoud read by the author, in which spacing corresponds to the blank space left on the page being read from.
As noted by this journalist, pauses can be tools for dramatization in the media, like Dominique de Villepin’s emphatic cuts outside of the Clearstream trial. In the same way, one can enjoy the silences that say much about about Jacques Lacan at the Free University of Louvain in 1972, or American senator Robert Byrd’s pauses during a speech against the training of combat dogs in 2007.
Increasingly large spacing gives a hypnotist’s speech all the seductive breadth it needs: in a very similar way, it emphasizes the impression of trust and intimacy sought by Laurie Anderson in this excerpt of her record Big Science.
One can choose to idealize constancy of flow in speech. But if spacing is often interesting, it is because of its capacity for creating distance from a norm. Spacing becomes time for reflection when Jean-Pierre Léaud’s question is a little harsh, when Raphaël Enthoven’s is “so good,” when the journalist questioning Michel Foucault tries to unsettle him, or when Juliette Binoche plays with the limits of mutism to challenge the norms of an interview (see also Ah, un paysan! and C’est quelqu’un qui euhm). It becomes a form of stretching, marking the process of recollection, in this excerpt from a hypnosis session, or when actor Grégoire Monsaingeon describes his allotment of actions in a play. Such recollections can bring about strong emotions which demand a certain amount of stretching, like when Mike Tyson speaks about his mentor Cus d’Amato.
Spacing can also be heard when speech depends upon an external event. For the poet Klaus Groh, counting falling drops, for Georges Perec, simply describing what is taking place in the street, for this radio reporter during the invasion of Bagdad in 2003. For these shepherds, the length of an echo determines the frequency of calls made from one valley to another; in this example, it is the time consonants and vowels take to be turned around, or here a way of regulating an announcement aimed at the stream of travelers in a train station.
An event can lead to speech being spaced out, as experienced by Roland Barthes in this excerpt from a class at the Collège de France. It can also be heard in this face-off with the angry people of Bucharest on December 21, 1989. Sometimes the event in question is pathological and makes silence the very substance of a dialogue between a daughter and her mother, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. On the other hand, spacing can be a means of reestablishing speech, as in this statement recorded by an aphasic speaker. It can even be a resource in the process of learning how to read.
These two notions of pause and stretching are not, of course, mutually exclusive. One can establish a certain aesthetic framework for enunciation while being clearly constrained from the outside, as heard in the excerpt of Roland Barthes at the Collège de France, or with this witness to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, who comments on the seriousness of the event during a press review.
Far from being a simple normed mark limited to regulating the flow of speech, spacing is thus involved in speech as an action, whether to reap the benefits of this regulation, or for purposes that are less psychological and more social or dramatic.
Klaus Groh, excerpt of the sound poem Voooxing Poooêtre, 1982.
Stefano Siviero, excerpt from a video posted on YouTube, 2014.
Scratch game scene, personal recording, 2019.
Cécile Duflot and Claude Bartolone, excerpt from a government question session, 2014.
Robert Cabé, excerpt of the film Cultures et Biodiversité dans le Massif Pyrénéen by Ralph Mahfoud and Thierry Boutonnier, 2013.
Countdown to the launch of an H-2A rocket, Japan, 2014.
Excerpt of Nicolaz Ceauşescu’s final speech, Televiziunea Românã, 1989.
Scene from a family, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2014.
Roland Barthes, excerpt of the lecture Comment vivre ensemble, Collège de France, 1976-1977.
Director's instructions on the shooting of a porn movie, 2000s.
Senator Robert Byrd, excerpt of a speech to the United States Senate, 2007.
Excerpt of a hypnosis recording, unknown source.
Excerpt of a Catholic sermon, excerpt of the show La Messe, France Culture, 2009.
Geoffrey Carey, Frédéric Danos, excerpt of the recording of predictions, 2019.
Ariane Dubillard on her father, France Culture, 2013.
Conversation in an hospital, excerpt of a recording by Esther Salmona, 2008.
Excerpt from a game of Counter strike global offensive, personal recording, 2018.
Pacific sound 3003, YouTube video, 2014.
Market scene, 2019
Mic soundcheck before a Five Finger Death Punch Concert, Casper, WY, 2012.
Air traffic controller and pilot having a conversation, 1998.
Excerpt of the television game show Des chiffres et des lettres, Antenne 2, 1972.
Jean-Michel Royer and Georges Pompidou, excerpt from a press conference, ORTF, 1969.
Dialog between a girl and her dad on a boat, YouTube video, 2012.
Excerpt of a news report in Iraq, France Info, 2003.
Woman at her window, video posted on Youtube, 2013.
Excerpt of the show Les Pieds sur terre, France Culture, 2010.
Commentator of the running of the bulls in Camargue, personal recording, 2019.
Extract from a videoconference, 2020.
Father Boulad, excerpt of a sermon, 2014.
Voicemail message, 2015.
Nicolas Bouvier, Pierre Stucki, excerpt from the scientific show Dimensions, RTS, 1975.
Scene from a classroom, personal recording, 2017.
Excerpt from the TV program Faites entrer l’accusé, 2008
Gilles Deleuze, excerpt of a lecture at the University of Paris VIII-Vincennes, 1981.
Shepherd’s call, excerpt of Le berger, la stagiaire et les moutons by Robin Hunzinger, Arte Radio, 2005.
Teenager playing Fortnite, personal recording, 2018.
Laurie Anderson, excerpt of the album Big Science, 1982.
Mike Tyson, excerpt of the film Tyson by James Toback, 2008.
Manfred Kropp, excerpt from a lecture at the Collège de France, 2008.
Message sent to a Whatsapp group during the strike against pension reform, 2020.
Message posted on Vice TV, 2020.
Speech of a djéliba at a wedding, 2019.
Teenager playing Fortnite, personal recording, 2018.
Jérôme, excerpt from the show Radio Tisto, l’émission des jeunes de l’hôpital de jour d’Antony, Radio Libertaire, 2020.
Grégoire Monsaingeon, excerpt of a recording by Joris Lacoste and Jeanne Revel, 2005.
Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, Georges Marchais, excerpt of the show Cartes sur table, Antenne 2, 1972.
A Periscope sequence from the Yellow Vests, act VIII, 2019.
Prank call to a prostitute by a radio host, luthianian radio, 2014
Nicolas Couturier, excerpt of a hypnosis account, recording by Joris Lacoste, 2005.
Ségolène Royal, excerpt of a statement made after the first round of the French presidential elections, 2007.
Dream story, 2017
Dialogue between a neuro-psychologist and her patient, excerpt from the documentary Journey to the center of the brain, France Culture, 2018.
Jon Elster, excerpt of a lecture at the Collège de France, 2009.
Maud Mannoni, excerpt from the film Quartier Lacan by Emil Weiss, 2001
Jacques Lacan, excerpt of a conference held at the University of Louvain, 1972.
Anne Fagot-Largeault, excerpt of a lecture at the Collège de France, 2009.
Jacques Vergès, excerpt of his plea for Klaus Barbie, 1987.
Raphaël Enthoven and Michael Edwards, excerpt of the show Les Nouveaux chemins de la connaissance, 2009.
Georges Perec, excerpt of the radio essay Tentative de description de choses vues au carrefour Mabillon le 19 mai 1978, France Culture, 1978.
Juliette Binoche and Michel Boujout, excerpt of the show Cinéma cinémas, Antenne 2, 1986.
Christophe Tarkos, Le petit bidon, Centre Pompidou, 1999.
Claude Royet-Journoud, excerpt of a reading of Théorie des prépositions at the cipM (Marseille), 2008.
Patricia Martin, Jean-Marc Four, Pierrick Bolnau, Cyril Grasiani, excerpt of the 7-9am weekend news hour, France Inter, 2014.
Henri Chopin, excerpt of an appearance at Actoral 6, Marseille, 2008.
Poetry reading on Egyptian television, 2012.
Zouc, excerpt of the comedy sketch Le Téléphone, 1977.
Senator Robert Byrd, excerpt of a statement to the United States Senate, 2008.
Excerpt from a stream of Dead Cells par At0miumVOD, vidéo Youtube, 2018.
Breathing exercise in a singing class, personal recording, 2012.
Scene from a train station, personal recording, 2013.
Nikos Aliagas, excerpt from The Voice season 6, 2017.
Street musician, personal recording, 2021.
Antonio Lobo Antunes, excerpt of the radio show Par les temps qui courent, France Culture, 2019.
Claude Bartolone, excerpt from a session of the National Assembly, 2013.
Interview with a repentant ETA terrorist, 2015.
Jean-Pierre Léaud and Elsa Leroy, excerpt of the film Masculin, féminin by Jean-Luc Godard, 1966.
Excerpt of a tutorial for Ableton Live, YouTube, 2009.
Reprimands to a dog, video posted on YouTube, 2018
Michel Foucault, excerpt of the show Autoportrait, Radio Canada, 1971.
Raffaella Gardon and Antonio, recording by Nicolas Rollet, 2014.
Emma Gonzalez, excerpt of a speech during the "March for our lives", 2017.
Joel Burns, speech to the Fort Worth city council, 2010.
Hubert Wulfranc, reaction to the terrorist attack in the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, 2016.
Poetry recital contest on Chinese television, 2014.
Extract from a video letter sent during lockdown, 2020.
Message posted on YouTube, 2014.
Michel Prades, excerpt of the sound art piece Mmmmmmmm by Boris Achour, 2000.
Excerpt of a YouTube video, year unknown.
Dominique de Villepin, excerpt of a statement to press just outside of the Clearstream trial, 2009.
Chiara Gallerani, excerpt of a phone conversation, recording by Joris Lacoste, 2012.
Excerpt of a cooking show, video posted on YouTube, 2012.
Dream story, 2019.
Gilles Deleuze, excerpt of the lecture “Le point de vue,” 1986.
Child learning to read, personal recording, Sweden, 2017.
Live video on Instagram, 2019.
Joseph Muscat, excerpt from a campaign speech, Malta, 2017.
Extract from an online game of Call of Duty, 2020.
Negociation between a man and a coyote, excerpt of a YouTube video, 2008.
Phone call, personal recording, 2018
Hans Rudolf Merz, excerpt from a speech to the Swiss Federal Council, 2010.
Reprimands to a dog, video posted on YouTube, 2018
Phone call, personal recording, 2018
Dream story, 2017
Market scene, 2019
Live video on Instagram, 2019.
Dream story, 2019.
Excerpt from a game of Counter strike global offensive, personal recording, 2018.
Director's instructions on the shooting of a porn movie, 2000s.
Mic soundcheck before a Five Finger Death Punch Concert, Casper, WY, 2012.
Dialogue between a neuro-psychologist and her patient, excerpt from the documentary Journey to the center of the brain, France Culture, 2018.